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Ordnance Survey Triangulation Pillars 

GPS Waypoints of all UK Ordnance Survey Trig. Points


The hills & mountains featured in the seven volumes of Alfred Wainwright's "A Pictorial Guide to the Lakeland Fells".
The grid references listed below represent the single highest point above sea level. Wainwright however sometimes chose a summit location that is not the highest point of the fell. Our policy is to acknowledge the location intended by Wainwright. Click on the "" icon and if an alternate Wainwright summit location exists it will be listed in the "Summit Feature" section. More information is available here... "The Wainwright Summits".


Scottish Munro Mountains - The Munros are the highest of Scotland's mountains, 282 mountain tops named after the man who first catalogued them, Sir Hugh Munro.
Revised down from 284: Beinn a'Chlaidheimh and Sgurr nan Ceannaichean have been surveyed as less than 3000ft and have been reclassified as Corbetts.

Welsh 3000s 

The famous Welsh 3000 ft Mountains; Snowdon / Yr Wyddfa (1,085 m), Garnedd Ugain / Crib y Ddysgl (1,065 m), Crib Goch (923 m), Elidir Fawr (924 m), Y Garn (947 m), Glyder Fawr (999 m), Glyder Fach (994 m), Tryfan (915 m), Pen yr Ole Wen (978 m), Carnedd Dafydd (1,044 m), Carnedd Llewelyn (1,064 m), Yr Elen (962 m), Foel Grach (976 m), Garnedd Uchaf (926 m), Foel-fras (942 m).
Also known as the "Welsh Munros".


Hills & Mountains of any height with a drop of at least 150 metres on all sides.
The geographical area includes the Isle of Man and the islands of St Kilda. (N.B. twin peak marilyns are not included here)


Corbetts - Scottish hills between 2500 and 2999 feet high with a drop of at least 500 feet (152.4m) on all sides. (making them a sub-set of the Marilyns too)


Hills & Mountains list maintained by John and Anne Nuttall and detailed in 'The Mountains of England and Wales' published by Cicerone Press. Includes all the Hewitts


Hills of England and Wales & Ireland over Two Thousand feet (with at least 30 metre drop on all sides).


Lake District hills over 1,000ft listed in Bill Birkett's Complete Lakeland Fells

Trail 100 

Trail's Top 100 Hills; a list of 100 hills published in Trail Magazine in 2007 which has become popularised by becoming the objective of the WaterAid Trail 100 charity challenge.

Fundamental Benchmarks

An FBM consists of an underground chamber topped with a short granite pillar. They are located in geologically stable locations, and formed the basis of Britain's level control network. They have been superceded by GPS. Tick off your Fundamental Benchmarks using the check-boxes below...

The Lake District Summits the Definitive List

Every peak we have within the Lake District national Park bounary.

The Huws

100 great Welsh hills under 2,000ft

Data courtesy of Alex Cameron, John Gillham, Myrddyn Phillips, Adrian Rayner, Mark Trengove and Rob Woodall.


Hills of any height with a drop of at least 100 metres or more on all sides. The name HuMP stands for Hundred Metre Prominence. (All Marilyns are HuMPs) The original source for the HuMPs list was Dr Eric Yeaman's "Handbook of the Scottish Hills", published by Wafaida in 1989. Clem Clements applied Yeaman's original criteria to England and Wales, and christened the results "Yeomans".


Graham Mountains: - A Graham is a hill from 610 metres to 761 metres high inclusive (2000-2499 feet), with a drop of at least 150 metres all round. Originally, Scottish hills in this height range were referred to as Elsies (short for Lesser Corbetts).

Wainwrights Vol. 8

Hills around the Lake District listed in Wainwright's Book "Volume 8 The Outlying Fells of Lakeland".


Hills in the Scottish Lowlands at least 2000 feet high. 'Tops' are all elevations with a drop of at least 100 feet (30.48m) on all sides and elevations of sufficient topographical merit with a drop of between 50 and 100 feet. Certain of these are designated 'Hills' according to a complex formula based on both distance and drop.

Munro Tops

Scottish 'Tops': - Munro Tops are subsidiary summits to Munros which although meeting the height criterion for a Munro are not deemed to be separate to be distinct Munros.


TUMPs or P30s are hills of any height with a drop of at least 30 metres or more on all sides. The name TUMP stands for Thirty & Upward Metres Prominence.


The Deweys are peaks in England, Wales and the Isle and Man between 500 metres and 2,000 feet (609.6 metres) in height, with a prominence above 30 metres (98 feet), which were listed by Michael Dewey in 1995. Deweys extend the England and Wales Hewitts below 2,000 feet, but above 500 metres.

Historic County tops

The highest point within (or sometimes on) the boundary of each county. Based on the traditional list of counties from which people usually take their local cultural identity. Note that these were never abolished, they just ceased to have administrative function.


Synge's Lakeland Summits - Hills from the book 'The Lakeland Summits' by Tim Synge: covers the whole of the Lake District national park.


The 400m Hills of England comprise all English hills 400m and above and below 500m in height that have 30m minimum drop. There are 298 qualifying hills that cover the length of the country from the Cheviot Hills in the north, to Bodmin Moor in the south-west. The list is authored by Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams.
Further details at Mapping Mountains Publications

Y Pedwarau

A 'Pedwar' is a hill in Wales between the heights of 400 metres and 499 metres that has a minimum drop of 30 metres. As there are some 447 such hills, and they are over 400 metres high, it seems fitting to name them 'Y Pedwarau' , as the Welsh word 'Pedwar' translates as 'Four'.
Further details at Mapping Mountains


Based on The Hardys - The UK's High Points, by Ian Hardy, first published 1997
Consisting of Hill Range, Island and Administrative Area high points. Covers England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Channel Isles In the case of Administrative Area high points, where Hardys are undefined, or the locations differ from those in DOBIH, the equivalent DOBIH hill is used.

Dewey's Notable Tops

The "Notable Hill Tops of England and Wales" were included in the Mountain Tables by Michael Dewey published 1995 by Constable, along with his better-known 500m hill list. The Notables are all in England and Wales, generally outside the main high mountain/moor areas.
(52 of the hills in this list are in addition to those hills sourced from the DoBIH, the other 280 link to the DoBIH Hill/Tump details.)


Hills in Ireland at least 2000 feet high published in The Mountains of Ireland. There is no prominence criterion. Both the Dillons and the Hewitts have 212 hills, but 13 hills in each list do not appear in the other.


After the publication of Dr Eric Yeaman's Handbook of the Scottish Hills (Wafaida, 1989), E.D. 'Clem' Clements set out to extend Yeaman's criteria to England and Wales. Clem's original handwritten list, completed in the early 1990s, comprised 1284 hills.

The process of verifying and digitising this handwritten document took many years and involved numerous contributors, notably Rob Woodall, Myrddyn Phillips, Gary Honey, Gordon Adshead and Iain Cameron; Clem made some additions to the list in 2004 bringing the total to 1298 hills, and this list later formed the basis for later HuMP research.

Clem himself referred to hills on his list as 'Yeomans', but here they have been renamed 'Clems' in his honour by way of remembering the man and recognising his achievement.


The hills listed by Dr Eric Yeaman in his Handbook of the Scottish Hills (Wafaida, 1989). There were 2441 hills in the original book, the first ever publication known to prioritise relative over absolute height in its selection:

"For the purposes of this Handbook, a hill is defined as an eminence which has an ascent of 100m all round, or, failing that, is at least 5km (walking distance) from any higher point".

The Yeamans were the precursor of the HuMPs in Scotland, often referred to as 'New Yeamans' in the early stages, but 167 other hills were included by virtue of the 5km distance rule.

Yeaman later circulated an update sheet with copies of his book, in which he identified 65 additional hills, 11 deletions and 6 substitutions, one of which was subsequently reversed. Additions are included here alongside the complete original list.


The Fellrangers a Lake District list for which the LDWA has created a Hillwalkers Register

Corbett Twenty Fives

first published in The Rucksack Club Journal 1911 (based on Bartholomew Map), 1912 update , 1929 (based on OS 1 inch map and 50 foot contours) and 1933 update. The first ever bagging list for England and Wales.

Y Pellennig

Remotest Hills of Wales: a list of 166 hills where the summit is a minimum of 2.5km from the nearest paved public road with a minimum of 15m of drop. The list is named 'Y Pellennig', pellennig in Welsh means 'distant' or 'remote'.
Further details at Europeaklist

Donald Tops

'Tops' relating to Donald Hills


are 95 hills in the Peak District of England, mostly over 400m above sea level but including various prominent lower hills. The Ethel's are a tribute to Ethel Haythornthwaite who pioneered the establishment of the Peak District as Britain's first national park in 1951. The Peak District and South Yorkshire branch of the CPRE countryside charity announced The Ethels in May 2021. The Ethels were devised in early 2021 by CPRE volunteer Doug Colton, who then built the Ethel Ready smartphone app for hill bagging. Most of the Ethels lie within the Peak District National Park, but others lie outside its borders.


A Selection of some 900 British and Irish Mountain Tops (Part I Lists A & B total of 960) and a Selection of 1,000 Tops under 2,500 feet (Part II List C total of 1,022) by William McKnight Docharty 1954 and 1962.
The lists are defined by the original publications and is not subject to revision.
Each of the four constituents of the British Isles are included: Scotland 1,395 summits, Ireland 243, Wales 153 and England 191, totalling 1,982. (two summits in the Isle of Man included within England’s numbers).
Docharty data courtesy of Ronnie Bowron

Furth Munros

The Furths comprise summits which are generally recognised as being the 3000ft peaks of the British Isles 'furth' of Scotland (furth meaning outside). These are the equivalent of the 'Munros' of England, Ireland and Wales.

Current County and Unitary Authority tops

The highest point within (or sometimes on) the boundary of each county. Based on the list of Counties, Metropolitan Districts and Unitary Authorities that came into existence in the 1990s, and are still changing.


Murdos: - A Murdo is a Scottish peak over 3000 feet with a drop of at least 30 metres (98 feet) all round. The Murdos comprise the main Munros and the most significant Munro Tops.


SiMMs: Six-hundred Metre Mountains; originally called Sims (600m+/P30m) a list of British 600m hills with at least 30 meters of prominence. For more details see

The Welsh P15s

All Welsh Hills with 15m minimum drop, irrespective of their height.
Further details at Mapping Mountains
Data courtesy of Myrddyn Phillips.

Bridge's 2000ft Hills

An historical list of 2000-foot summits of England and Wales compiled by Bridge (1973). The list was defined by the original publication and is not subject to revision.

Buxton and Lewis

From the Buxton & Lewis (1986) historical list of the 2000-foot summits of England and Wales. The list was defined by the original publication and is not subject to revision.

Corbett Tops (All)

Subsidiary summits of Munros and Corbetts between 2500 and 2999 feet high with a drop of at least 30 metres on all sides.

Cheviot 99

Listing each of the 99 peaks in the Northumberland Cheviot hills that exceed 300 metres in height, and are publicly accessible.

Graham Tops (All)

Subsidiary summits of Munros, Corbetts and Grahams between 2000 and 2499 feet high with a drop of at least 30 metres on all sides.

Administrative County tops

The highest point within (or sometimes on) the boundary of each county. Based on the redrawn administrative boundaries and introduction of Metropolitan Counties in the mid 1970s. These began to be abolished in the 1990s.

Falkingham 2,000 ft Tops of England

A list of 349 2000-foot summits in England published in the 1966 Gritstone Club Journal by F. G. Falkingham in an article entitled 'The 2,000 ft. Tops Of England'. The list was defined by the original publication and is not subject to revision. Reference: Gritstone Club Journal 1966


The Dodds (hills in Scotland, Wales and England of height 500-599.9m with at least 30m of drop) have been added. The list was originally proposed in 2014 as a metric alternative to the British 500m lists and has been adopted by the Relative Hills Society

Moss 2,000's of England and Wales

A list by Richard Moss, son of Edward (Ted) Moss resulting in the largest list of English and Welsh mountains over 2,000 feet. The list is based on those of FHF Simpson (1937, Wayfarers' Journal, 5, 18-24) and Edward (Ted) Moss (1940, RCJ, IX, 239-243; 1952, RCJ, XII, 67-70; 1954, RCJ, XII, 276). It includes all summits in:

  • "The Mountains of England and Wales" by George Bridge, 1973;
  • "The Mountains of England and Wales". Volume 1 Wales (1989) and Volume 2 England (1990) by John and Anne Nuttall;
  • "The Mountain Summits of England and Wales" by Chris Buxton and Gwyn Lewis, 1986;
  • "The Relative Hills of Britain" by Alan Dawson, 1992;
  • "English Mountain Summits" by Nick Wright, 1974.
  • "Mountain Tables" by Michael Dewey, 1995.
plus additional summits identified by both Ted and Richard Moss in their own research.

Published is the Rucksack Club Journal in 2007 All Those Two-Thousands (2007, RCJ, XXV (1) Issue 96, 111-117) and available online at and

Wright's 2000ft English Mountain Summits

A list of 345 2000-foot summits in England by Nick Wright published by Robert Hale & Co London in 1974. ISBN 0-7091-4560-8 The list was defined by the original publication and is not subject to revision.


SubTumps - hills in Britain & Ireland with 20m-29.9m prominence irrespective of height. The list has been compiled by Bernie Hughes, and includes data originated by Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams. Source lists available at The Fours. Thanks also to for permission to include data from their lists.


hills in Britain & Ireland with 15m-19.9m prominence irrespective of height. The list has been compiled by Bernie Hughes, and includes data originated by Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams. Source lists available at The Welsh P15s, The Fours and The Welsh Highlands - Uchafion Cymru. Thanks also to for permssion to include data from their Arderin Begs list.


The 400m Hills of Britain - Comprises all Scottish, English, Manx and Welsh hills 400m or more and below 500m in height with 30m or more in prominence.
List compiled from data originated by E D 'Clem' Clements, Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams. Source lists available on Haroldstreet, MappingMountains and the DoBIH, by Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams.

Lakes Minor Prominences

Minor hills in the Lake District National Park above 300m height, geographically distinctive, with prominence of less than 30m.
More information: LaMPs Document
Viewing the LaMPs and P30 TUMPs together is intended to provide a comprehensive listing of "significant" summits within the Lake District National Park, above 300m and/or 30m prominence.
The LaMPs is a collaborative list. If you find significant summits you consider to be worth adding, please let us know - they can be promoted via the


A list of 404 two thousand foot summits in England & Wales (excluding the English Lake District - see Simpson list) published in four articles in the Rucksack Club Journal by Edward ("Ted") Moss, between 1939 & 1954.
The list was defined by the original publications and is not subject to revision.


Sub Docharty - Docharty's objective was to list all points on the 1 inch O.S. Maps with a minimum requirement for a 'Top' being one 50-foot contour, for Ireland the minimum was one 100-foot contour. However Docharty decided that some of the heights marked on the map, which on being visited did not appear to have sufficient individuality to qualify as 'Tops' so these were included under a Remarks column in respect of Scotland and Ireland and a fifth column in respect of Wales and England for Part 1 and under a Remarks column for Part 2. None of these added through to Docharty’s Summary Tables.
Also included within subs are 'tops' or eminences unrecorded on the maps but identified by Docharty while on excursion.
The lists are defined by the original publications and is not subject to revision.
Each of the four constituents of the British Isles are included: Scotland 533 summits, Ireland 25, Wales 41 and England 89, totalling 688.
Sub-Docharty data courtesy of Ronnie Bowron

Relative Wainwrights

Mark Jackson's list of the Tumps (p30) of the Lake District over 1000ft as described in the LDWA's Hillwalkers' Register Annual Report 2011.
The Relative "Wainwrights" sees around 50 of Wainwright's peaks deleted from the list as having less than 30m drop and the promotion of around 53 'new' peaks (Tumps) with over 30m drop and above 1000 feet asl that never made Wainwrights original list. There are only two of the new additions that don't feature as either Birketts or Synges, namely: Oakhowe Crag (417m), High Rigg SE Top (339m).
List provided by Chris Pearson

Donald Deweys

Scottish Lowland equivalent of the Deweys - hills with at least 500m high and below 609.6m with a drop of at least 30m on all sides. (see also the Highland Fives)

500-Metre Tops of Ireland

Irish equivalent of the Deweys - hills with at least 500m and above and below 2,000ft (609.6m) in height with minimum 30m of drop, compiled by Michael Dewey and Myrddyn Phillips.


British & Irish Six Hundred metre hills with Over 15m Prominence. Comprises all hills in Britain and Ireland 600m or more in height with 15m or more in prominence.
List originally compiled from data already available on HaroldStreet or in the DoBIH by Ken Whyte and Bernie Hughes, with many later additions. Thanks to for permission to include their data.

FRCC Lakeland Fells

Hills from the book 'The Lakeland Fells' published by the Fell and Rock Climbing Club in 1996, edited by June Parker and Tim Pickles, which seeks to identify all fells over 300 metres, with public access and lying within the Lake District National Park. Includes all 214 Wainwrights, several additional low prominence high peaks, and all LDNP summits over 300m and P80m. Over 610m the effective cutoff is P40m, with all but 11 of the 114 LDNP Hewitts anticipated (P610m / P30m, published 1997), and 123 of the 171 LDNP Nuttalls (610m / P15m, published 1990) included.

Simpson's 2000ft summits

A list of 225 2000-foot summits in the English Lake District published in the 1937 Wayfarer's Journal "Concerning Contours" article by FHF Simpson. The list was defined by the original publication and is not subject to revision. Reference: p18-24 Wayfarer's Journal 1937


The 600-metre summits of England & Wales with a minimum drop of 30 metres from the four books by Terry Marsh: The Mountains of Wales (1985), The Lakes Mountains Vol 1 and 2 (1987) and The Pennine Mountains (1989) all published by Hodder & Stoughton. The list was defined by the original publication and is not subject to revision.


Hills in Ireland at least 600 metres high with a drop of at least 15 metres on all sides.


first published in The Journal of the Fell and Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District 1933 in an article “The Two Thousand Footers of England” by W T Elmslie. The first attempt at a 2,000 foot bagging list for England and excludes 42 non summits from the original list of 347 points. The list was defined by the original publication and is not subject to revision.


hills in Britain and Ireland 600m or higher with drop between 15m and 19.9m This list was originally compiled by Ken Whyte, and is now maintained by Bernie Hughes.
Thanks to for permission to include their data.

Jones's 2,000's of Wales

The Welsh 2000ft Summits by Robert Jones 1993.
The list was defined by the original publication and is not subject to revision.


Mountains of Snowdonia from John Gillham's A Pictorial Guide to the Mountains of Snowdonia

Highland Fives

Scottish Highland equivalent of the Deweys - hills with at least 500m high and below 609.6m with a drop of at least 30m on all sides. (see also the Donald Deweys)


The 400m Hills of Britain and Éire (Britain & Éire Fours) comprises all Scottish, English, Manx, Welsh and Irish hills 400m or more and below 500m in height with 30m or more in prominence.
List compiled from data originated by E D 'Clem' Clements, Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams. Source lists available on Haroldstreet, MappingMountains and DoBIH, by Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams


The Binnions are irish hills below 400m with 100m drop.


Carns are hills in Ireland between 400 and 499.9m high with a drop of at least 30m on all sides as defined by MountainViews, based on a list originally supplied to the Mountaineering Council of Ireland by Myrddyn Phillips. The name comes from Carn Hill, Cnoc an Chairn, "hill of the cairn" in the Sperrins.

Irish Dodds

500m and above and below 600m in height with minimum 30m of drop, compiled by Michael Dewey and Myrddyn Phillips.


Hills in Ireland at least 500 metres high with a drop of at least 30m on all sides. The name comes from the 527m hill which is the County Top for both Laois and Offaly and means, from the Irish, "Height of Ireland". This list effectively amalgamates the Irish Hewitts and Myrddyn Deweys.

P30m islands

All the islands with Prominence of 30m or more.

Yorkshire Minor Prominences

Minor hills in the Yorkshire Dales National Park and Nidderdale AONB with less than 30m prominence and height generally exceeding 300 metres and considered to have sufficient topographical merit.

List provided by Ronnie Bowron. Minor Prominence listing concept curtesy of Rob Woodall and Phil Cooper.


Hills and mountains over 1,000ft in the Yorkshire Dales with a drop of at least 100ft. Source: 'Raistricks' by Bernard Peel first published in January 2020. Named in honour of Arthur Raistrick an academic and historian of the Yorkshire Dales and was named 'Dalesman of the Millennium'

Major Mountains of the UK (P600m )

The P600m Peaks - a list of British and Irish hills with at least 600m of prominence. For more information, visit Mark Trengove's Europeaklist website and see the PDF at the bottom of the page.

P500m Prominent Peaks

The P500m Peaks - a list of British and Irish hills with at least 500m of prominence. For more details see Jim Bloomer and Roddy Urquhart's website

Really Big Hills of UK (P609m)

The P609m Peaks - a list of British and Irish hills with at least 2000 feet of prominence. For more details see


The Archies are all the mountains of Scotland with a summit of 1000m or more also having a 100m height drop between the top and the surrounding land.


Islands less than 30 hectares area with between 20m to 29.9m of prominence. A new category of SQUIB based on prominence.
Listed by Alan Holmes

The Top 500 Summits

The Top 500 Summits are the highest 500 mountains in Britain and Ireland with a drop of at least 500 feet on all sides. As published by Barry Smith in "The Top 500 Summits: A Lifetime of Hillwalking"

The Separate Mountains 

The idea behind the list is that a summit needs more drop to feel 'separate' in a highly dissected area than it would on a plateau.
A summit needs to be over 600m height and have 90, 100, 120 or 150m of drop to qualify, depending on how dissected an area is. Dissectedness is calculated by counting the number of segments each hill group is split into by the 400m contour and dividing this by the number of 10km grid squares it covers. The list was originally compiled in 1974 from OS 1 inch maps, metricated from 1976-82 as second series metric maps came out, then adjusted in 2023 using data from the DoBIH.

List compiled and maintained by Iain Thow

SIBs (Significant Isles of Britain and Ireland)

The SIBs are defined as "naturally occurring land which at MHWS is completely surrounded by water with either an area of at least 30 hectares within the MHWS contour line or an 'easily accessed' summit with prominence of at least 30 metres above MSL, or both, all man-made links and structures being discounted". The definition of 'easily accessed' summits are those that can be comfortably ascended by walking, involving nothing more challenging than easy grade 1 scrambling. They were researched by Alan Holmes. Initially confined to Britain, in August 2018 the list was extended to include Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Isles.


Islands 10 to 29.9 hectares in area with less than 20m of prominence. Different from previous B-SQUIBs in that these also lack significant prominence.
Listed by Alan Holmes


The HUGHS (Hills Under Graham Height in Scotland): Scotland's Best Wee Hills Under 2,000 Feet

Data provided by Alex Cameron with kind permission from Andrew Dempster.


A "MacPhie" is defined as an eminence in excess of 300ft in height, and is Colonsay's equivalent to a Munro, only smaller. The aim is to climb all the peaks on Colonsay and Oransay that exceed 300ft (91.46m), in the course of one connected walk. The journey has to start and finish with any point below High Water mark, and the "MacPhies" can be tackled in any order. There are 22 peaks in the Official List, and the distance is about 20 miles.

High Hills of Britain

A list of 1035 british hills published in a book by the renowned Alan Dawson.


hills in Britain & Ireland 500m-599.9m with over 15m prominence. The list has been compiled by Bernie Hughes, and includes data originated by Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams. Source lists available The Welsh Highlands - Uchafion Cymru. Thanks also to for permssion to include data from their Arderin Begs list.

Haswell-Smiths Island Summits

These are the highest points of the islands listed in The Scottish Islands by Hamish Haswell-Smith.
To qualify, islands need to have an area of at least 40 hectares and to be an island at all tide states.


Hills over 300m, and at least 15km from the nearest higher ground. The Supersummits are from an article 'Backyard Everests' by Bernard Beal, published in The Great Outdoors (May 1997 issue of TGO). Hensbarrow Beacon has been supplanted by the adjacent landscaped spoil mound, and Beacon Hill is named Trelleck Hill on Beal's original list.


Rick Livingstone's list of Scottish islands exceeding 15 hectares (published 2011)

Combined SIBs and SQUIB Islands

All the SIBs, A-SQUIBs, B-SQUIBs and C-SQUIBs Islands together. Listed by Alan Holmes.

All SQUIB Islands

All the A-SQUIBs, B-SQUIBs and C-SQUIBs Islands together. Listed by Alan Holmes.

Caton's Tidal Islands

Tidal Islands, listed in No Boat Required, Exploring Tidal Islands, Peter Caton, 2011. Definition: A named area of land of significant size, which supports vegetation, shows signs of human activity, can be safely walked to with dry feet at least once a month from the UK mainland, is totally surrounded by water on a minimum of one tide each month, but never totally submerged.


Halseys are island trig pillars in Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland.
Halsey data provided by Alex Cameron

Peak District 75

a list based on TUMPs in the Peak District that are on access land or a Right of Way. The list is thought to represent the best 75 hills across the Peak District. The "Hills of the Peak District" book is available the link below and shops in the Peak District, and on Amazon.


Hill's called Law


Islands less than A10 and less than P20. Previously known as Q-SQUIBs.
Listed by Alan Holmes

Island Summits

where height and prominence are the same

Yorkshire Hills

Yorkshire Tumps

Clwydian Hills

List of all the summits from any recognised list within The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. In addition topographically: greater than 600m height greater than P10; between 300 and 599.9m height greater than P15; less than 300m height greater than P20. Thanks to Aled Williams and Myrddyn Phillips for use of their LIDAR data analysis and Trimble GeoXH 6000 survey results for additional hills which contribute to this list.

MBA Bothies

Founded in 1965, the Mountain Bothy Association exists to maintain remote buildings for which the owner has little or no use, yet remain important to walkers and others who make use of the shelter that they provide.
Data provide by Alex Cameron

Marilyn Twin Peaks

A Marilyn Twin Peak is a summit of equal height to another Marilyn where the drop between the two is less than 150m.

Sub-Graham Tops

Hills falling short of being Grahams on drop by 10m or less.


Hills falling short of being Hewitts on drop by 10m or less.


Hills falling short of being Murdos on drop by 10m or less.


The Sub-Fours comprise all English hills 400m and above and below 500m in height that have 15m and more and below 30m of drop. There are 317 hills that qualify for Sub-Four status. The list is authored by Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams.
Further details at Mapping Mountains Publications


These lighthouse are those in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands as listed in The British Lighthouse Trail by Sarah Kerr. The definition used for the purposes of the list is: A fixed structure that was built to exhibit a light for the purpose of aiding maritime navigation and allows access for at least one person inside any part of it.


hills that narrowly fall short of meeting the Marilyn list's classification threshold

London Borough tops

The highest point within (or sometimes on) the boundary of each London Borough.

The Sub-Welsh P15s

taking in all Welsh hills with 14m or more and below 15m of drop. Data courtesy of Myrddyn Phillips.
Further details at Mapping Mountains Publications

Corbett Tops on Munros

Subsidiary summits of Munros between 2500 and 2999 feet high with a drop of at least 30 metres on all sides.


Hills falling short of being Nuttalls on drop between 10m and 14.99m. Includes 41 of the 59 Deleted Nuttalls – the remainder are sub P10. This is an objective list with criterion and therefore subject to change as additional surveying data becomes available. List author Ronnie Bowron. Thanks to Joe Nuttall for use of his JNSA data analysis as well as Aled Williams and Myrddyn Phillips for use of their LIDAR data analysis and Trimble GeoXH 6000 survey results from which this list is compiled. Thanks to John & Anne Nuttall for allowing a Sub Nuttall listing.

Corbett Tops on Corbetts

Subsidiary summits of Corbetts between 2500 and 2999 feet high with a drop of at least 30 metres on all sides.


List of YHA Hostels in England & Wales

Graham Tops on Corbetts

Subsidiary summits of Corbetts between 2000 and 2499 feet high with a drop of at least 30 metres on all sides.

Graham Tops on Grahams

Subsidiary summits of Grahams between 2000 and 2499 feet high with a drop of at least 30 metres on all sides.


Hills falling short of being HuMPs on drop by 10m or less.

Graham Tops on Munros

Subsidiary summits of Munros between 2000 and 2499 feet high with a drop of at least 30 metres on all sides.

Landranger Tops

The highest point on each of the OS 1:50k Landranger Maps, based on the Ray Barnes 2002 web list of Landranger Tops with futher additions and corrections. (Data courtesy of Chris Pearson + Rob Woodall).


Hills falling short of being SIMs on drop by 10m or less.


Hills falling short of being Dodds on drop by 10m or less.


133 summits which are over 600 metres but fail the 30 metre drop from the four books by Terry Marsh: The Mountains of Wales (1985), The Lakes Mountains Vol 1 and 2 (1987) and The Pennine Mountains (1989) all published by Hodder & Stoughton. The list was defined by the original publication and is not subject to revision.

Sub-Donald Deweys

Hills falling short of being Donald Deweys on drop by 10m or less.

Sub-Highland Fives

Hills falling short of being Highland Fives on drop by 10m or less.

Graham Tops on Hewitts

The single subsidiary summit of the only Scottish Hewitt between 2000 and 2499 feet high with a drop of at least 30 metres on all sides.

HuMP Twin Peaks

A Twin HuMP is defined as a summit of equal height to another HuMP where the drop between the two summits is at least 30m but less than 100m.

Irish Subdodds

Irish hills 500m and above and below 600m in height with 20m and more and below 30m of drop, compiled by Michael Dewey and Myrddyn Phillips.

Sub-500m Tops of Ireland

Irish hills 500m and above and below 2,000ft (609.6m) in height with 20m and more and below 30m of drop, compiled by Michael Dewey and Myrddyn Phillips.


Hills and mountains over 1,000ft in the Yorkshire Dales with a drop of less than 100ft. Source: ‘Raistricks’ by Bernard Peel first published in January 2020. Named in honour of Arthur Raistrick an academic and historian of the Yorkshire Dales and was named “Dalesman of the Millennium

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