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Austria 2024 – Stubai & GroßGlockner

Austria 2024

We decided to return to Austria for our summer holiday, initially to the Stubai to acclimatise, and then to Kals for another attempt at the GrossGlockner.

Franz Senn Hut

Franz Senn Hut

Day 0: Flew out to Neustift im Stubaital.

Day 1: Damp day treking from Seduck (1472m) via Seducker Hochalm (2249m) for a coffee, to Franz Senn Hut (2147m) using the Stubaier hohenweg  – too wet and horrible for any photos! We crossed some old icy snow patches and landslip which were also less than fun.

Distance: 9.7km, 981m up, 293m down, GPX File:

Day 2: Climbed the Rinnenspitze (3000m) only to find we had already climbed this peak 21 years ago but forgotten! Then back down to Seduck and a taxi to Neustift for the night.

Distance: 14.6km, 873m up, 1561m down, GPX File:

Rinnenspitze Summit

Rinnenspitze (3000m) Summit

Day 3: Up to the Sulzenau Hut (2191m) from Grawa Alm (1534m). A short day up to a beautiful hanging valley and some of the nearby lakes.

Distance: 5.2km, 651m up, 35m down, GPX File:


Sulzenau Hut (2191m)

Day 4: Wilder Freiger (3418m) via Seescharte (2762m) and back to Sulzenau. We had climbed this one 21 years ago too, but at least remembered we had.

Distance: 13km, 1400m up, 1400m down, GPX File:

Wilder Freiger Summit

Wilder Freiger Summit (3418m)

Wilder Freiger Summit

Wilder Freiger Summit (3418m)

Wilder Freiger above Gruenausee

Wilder Freiger above Gruenausee

Day 5: Back to Neustift. 8.4km, all down hill.

Day 6: Transfer to Kals am GrossGlockner.


Day 7:  Taxi to Kalser Tauernhaus (1755m) past Dorfer See (1935m) then over Kalser Tauern pass (2515m) and down to Berghotel Rudolf’s Hut (2311m). This is an amazing Hotel only accessible via walking or cable car.

Distance: 8.7km, 831m up, 270m down, GPX File:

Weisssee at Berghotel Rudolfshuette

Weisssee at Berghotel Rudolfshuette (2311m)

Day 8: Circular walk up the Sonnblickkees Glacier (2900m) – too windy to get to the summit.

Distance: 8.5km, 650m up, 650m down, GPX File:

Sonnblickkees Glacier (2900m)

Sonnblickkees Glacier (2900m)

Day 9: Rest day – just avoiding wet weather and an unexpected 3rd night at the Rudolph’s Hut.

Day 10: To Stüdlhütte (2801m): back over Kalser Tauern pass, taxi from Kalser Tauernhaus to bottom of the Teischniztal and up the Herrensteig path. A long day in the rain.

Distance: 16.6km, 1446m up, 938m down, GPX File:

Stuedlhuette (2801m)

Stüdlhütte (2801m)

Day 11: Rest day – circular walk on the Koednitzkees Glacier (3200m). We used a half day of good weather to reccy the route and check out an alternative climb up Burgwartscharte via feratta.

Distance: 5km, 350m up, 350m down, GPX File:

Kodnitzkees glacier

Koednitzkees glacier

Day 12: GrossGlockner via Adlersruhe – took the “normal” route (Alter Kasler Weg) over the glacier, up Kampl and on to the Adlersruhe ridge. Climbed steep icy via feratta to the EJ Hut where we had 2nd breakfast. Then attempted the GrossGlockner, but we only got to top of the big snow/ice gully at 3700m where we sacked it off due to very poor visibility and strengthening winds. Stayed the night at Erzherzog-Johann Huette (3454m) – incredibly busy.

Distance: 4.7km, 900m up, 245m down, GPX File:

GrossGlockner and Adlersruhe Ridge

GrossGlockner (3798m) and Adlersruhe Ridge (3454m)

Adlersruhe Ridge icy via feratta

Adlersruhe Ridge – on icy via feratta

Erzherzog-Johann-Huette on Adlersruhe Ridge (3454m)

Erzherzog-Johann Hut on Adlersruhe (3454m)

The Sattele 3700m - top of Grade 1 snow/ice gully

The Sattele 3700m – top of Grade 1 snow/ice gully (not a happy bunny)

Day13: Descent to Kals via Stuedlhutte, Luckner Hut and Luckner Hause. Had thought to have a second attempt at the summit but it was far too busy with rude climbers for our liking. Video of the descent here…

Distance: 11.2km, 1860m down, GPX File:

Descending Adlersruhe Ridge

Descending Adlersruhe Ridge

Day 14: Flights home.

Luckner valley

Luckner valley in the morning from Studl Hut

Author: Phil Newby

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Author: Phil Newby