UK Area: England
Details: Nab Scar, Heron Pike, Great Rigg, Fairfield, Hart Crag, Dove Crag, High Pike and Low Pike
NB: This file is a 'GPS Track' recorded by a GPS in the field.
Lake District Start: Ambleside CP
Distance: 10.3 miles, Ascent: 1000 meters - View Ascent Profile..., Estimated Walking Time: 6 hrs.
Author: Phil Newby Type: route/track
Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey
The content of Members pages including their GPS files are copyright to the contributing Member
Any waypoints maked in Blue are included in the GPS file download.
The green icon marks the start point of the GPX Track or Route.
Other icons are not included in this file and only indicate nearby Hills & Trigpoints
Hills near Fairfield Horseshoe route:
Fairfield (873m) Hart Crag (823m) Dove Crag (792m) Great Rigg (766m) High Pike (Scandale) (657m) Heron Pike North Top (Rydal Fell) (621m) Heron Pike (Rydal) (612m) Low Pike (508m) Nab Scar (450m) Rydal Fell 1st Top (611m) Rydal Fell 4th Top (611m) Dove Crag North Cairn (789m) Lanty Scar NE Top (220m)
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Member's Comments on 'Fairfield Horseshoe ' Route/Track...
- MarkCarr203 says...
- A great route for a short walk
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