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Lakes Big 4 (part 1 of 2)

 UK Area: England
 Details: Lake District 3000 foot mountains are Sca Fell, Scafell Pike, Helvellyn and Skiddaw. This track is the first half of this classic challenge walk. (second part to follow once we've done it!)
 NB: This file is a 'GPS Track' recorded by a GPS in the field.
 Lake District Start: Wasdale Head NY182075
 Distance: 22.4 miles, Ascent: 2554 meters -  View Ascent Profile..., Estimated Walking Time: 13 hrs.
 Author: Phil Newby        Type: route/track

Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

The content of Members pages including their GPS files are copyright to the contributing Member
Any waypoints maked in Blue are included in the GPS file download.
The green icon marks the start point of the GPX Track or Route.
Other icons are not included in this file and only indicate nearby Hills & Trigpoints

Hills near Lakes Big 4 (part 1 of 2) route:

High Rigg SE Top (339m) Smaithwaite Hill (207m) Scafell Pike (978m) Scafell (964m) Symonds Knott (959m) Ill Crag (931m) Broad Crag (935m) Great End (910m) Blunt Top (901m) Esk Pike (885m) Bowfell North Top (866m) Allen Crags (785m) High Raise (High White Stones) (763m) Thunacar Knott (723m) Rossett Pike (651m) Calf Crag (537m) Helvellyn (950m) Helvellyn Lower Man (925m) Nethermost Pike (891m) High Crag (Grisedale) (884m) High Rigg (Naddle Fell) (356m) Black Crags (Mickleden) (588m) Low White Stones (731m) Wythburn Fell (508m) Brown Crag (610m) Castle Rock (339m) Great How (Thirlmere) (333m) Wren Crag (311m) Thunacar Knott North Top (717m) Scafell Pike South Top (965m) Yewbarrow SW Top [Long Crag] (606m) Brownrigg Moss (517m) Rough Crag [Pike of Carrs] (522m) Rake Crags (506m) Birk Crag (357m) Martcrag Moor (547m) Middle How (483m) Tongue Head (656m) Browncove Crags (859m) The Swirls (332m)


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Phil Newby


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