Fundamental Benchmarks:
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Fundamental Benchmark data contributed by John Glew
Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey
Map Legend: :TrigpointsFundamental Benchmark:
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Sort this list by: Name | Height | Popularity |
- 'TP9106' NJ941096 Aberdeen North
- 'TP9107' NJ967056 Aberdeen South
- 'TP9187' SO322141 Abergavenny
- 'TP9188' SN606773 Aberystwyth
- 'TP9108' NH158584 Achnasheen
- 'TP9000' TQ507009 Alfriston
- 'TP9109' NO587400 Arbirlot
- 'TP9110' NN306042 Arrochar
- 'TP9001' TQ003098 Arundel
- 'TP9111' NS275175 Ayr
- 'TP9112' NO602979 Banchory
- 'TP9002' SU643518 Basingstoke
- 'TP9003' SY214894 Beer
- 'TP9004' NU096357 Belford (R)
- 'TP9113' NC709574 Bettyhill
- 'TP9189' SS574893 Bishopston
- 'TP9005' SX144930 Boscastle
- 'TP9114' NS449737 Bowling
- 'TP9115' NO170917 Braemar
- 'TP9006' SO603266 Brampton Abbotts (R)
- 'TP9190' SO051290 Brecon
- 'TP9007' SX811865 Bridford
- 'TP9116' NN295397 Bridge of Orchy
- 'TP9008' SO986694 Bromsgrove (R)
- 'TP9009' SK245946 Broomhead Moor
- 'TP9117' NK128417 Buchan Ness (R)
- 'TP9010' SU335974 Buckland
- 'TP9118' NX810602 Buittle
- 'TP9011' SE704678 Bulmer
- 'TP9012' TL371277 Buntingford *
- 'TP9191' SH480545 Caernarfon
- 'TP9013' SZ425865 Calbourne
- 'TP9014' SP137363 Campden
- 'TP9192' SN208460 Cardigan
- 'TP9193' SN434237 Carmarthen
- 'TP9015' TL130997 Castor
- 'TP9016' SK001719 Cat and Fiddle
- 'TP9017' SO467927 Church Stretton
- 'TP9018' TL745446 Clare
- 'TP9019' NY138345 Cockermouth *
- 'TP9119' NM888339 Connel
- 'TP9120' NH463557 Contin
- 'TP9194' SH755774 Conwy
- 'TP9121' NX282810 Corwar
- 'TP9020' SS752496 Countisbury
- 'TP9195' SS966756 Cowbridge *
- 'TP9021' SP918787 Cranford
- 'TP9122' NX495598 Creetown
- 'TP9123' NN413257 Crianlarich
- 'TP9022' TQ323606 Croydon (R)
- 'TP9124' NX625801 Dalry *
- 'TP9125' NN673903 Dalwhinnie
- 'TP9023' SJ577823 Daresbury
- 'TP9024' SP580629 Daventry
- 'TP9126' NH724411 Daviot
- 'TP9025' SY696905 Dorchester (R)
- 'TP9127' NG884258 Dornie
- 'TP9026' SS904251 Dulverton
- 'TP9128' NT688784 Dunbar East
- 'TP9129' NT669789 Dunbar West
- 'TP9130' ND371714 Duncansby Head
- 'TP9131' NS416496 Dunlop
- 'TP9132' NT765552 Duns Common (R)
- 'TP9133' NC438657 Durness
- 'TP9196' SJ064802 Dyserth (R)
- 'TP9027' TL996843 East Harling
- 'TP9134' NY194767 Ecclefechan
- 'TP9135' NT280739 Edinburgh
- 'TP9136' NJ172632 Elgin
- 'TP9137' NS959193 Elvanfoot
- 'TP9028' SU610071 Fareham
- 'TP9029' TA225705 Flamborough
- 'TP9030' ST519711 Flax Bourton (R)
- 'TP9031' NZ175123 Forcett
- 'TP9032' SZ337857 Freshwater *
- 'TP9033' TG270366 Gimingham
- 'TP9138' NN890313 Glen Almond
- 'TP9139' NH058114 Glen Cluanie
- 'TP9140' NH419165 Glen Moriston *
- 'TP9141' NH409174 Glen Moriston (1956)
- 'TP9142' NO140606 Glenshee
- 'TP9143' NS239774 Gourock
- 'TP9144' NS546647 Govan *
- 'TP9034' SW916492 Grampound
- 'TP9035' SU278645 Great Bedwyn
- 'TP9036' SP850423 Great Linford (R)
- 'TP9037' SE066211 Greetland (R)
- 'TP9038' TQ838163 Guestling
- 'TP9039' TL790118 Hatfield Peverel
- 'TP9040' SJ446605 Hatton Heath (R)
- 'TP9197' SM967157 Haverfordwest
- 'TP9198' SM966158 Haverfordwest (1956) *
- 'TP9145' NT489124 Hawick
- 'TP9146' ND036157 Helmsdale
- 'TP9041' TL066094 Hemel Hempstead (R)
- 'TP9042' NY959671 Hexham
- 'TP9043' SE939012 Hibaldstow
- 'TP9044' SE959019 Hibaldstow (1914) *
- 'TP9147' NS228453 High Boydston *
- 'TP9045' SD611256 Hoghton
- 'TP9199' SH241828 Holyhead
- 'TP9046' TA174150 Immingham
- 'TP9148' NT339431 Innerleithen
- 'TP9047' TM110486 Ipswich
- 'TP9048' TR361677 Isle of Thanet *
- 'TP9149' NT750317 Kelso
- 'TP9150' NT272884 Kinghorn
- 'TP9049' SX744431 Kingsbridge
- 'TP9050' NY758062 Kirkby Stephen (1912) *
- 'TP9051' NY750057 Kirkby Stephen (1976)
- 'TP9151' NC572076 Lairg
- 'TP9152' NC573072 Lairg (1946) *
- 'TP9200' SN579526 Lampeter
- 'TP9052' SD487611 Lancaster
- 'TP9153' NO725723 Laurencekirk
- 'TP9154' NC235467 Laxford Bridge
- 'TP9155' NC245134 Ledmore
- 'TP9156' NS966749 Linlithgow
- 'TP9053' SX222635 Liskeard
- 'TP9054' SJ361934 Liverpool
- 'TP9201' SN775327 Llandovery *
- 'TP9157' NN058602 Loch Leven
- 'TP9158' NC677391 Loch Naver
- 'TP9159' NH422094 Loch Tarff
- 'TP9160' NR872851 Lochgilphead
- 'TP9055' NZ145945 Longhorsley
- 'TP9161' ND254364 Lybster
- 'TP9056' SJ947744 Macclesfield
- 'TP9202' SH755005 Machynlleth
- 'TP9057' SW449321 Madron
- 'TP9058' SK308588 Matlock (R)
- 'TP9059' SK364241 Melbourne
- 'TP9060' NZ801130 Mickleby
- 'TP9162' NS558769 Milngavie
- 'TP9163' NT063086 Moffat
- 'TP9164' NT951585 Mordington
- 'TP9061' TF016592 Navenby
- 'TP9165' NS606655 Necropolis
- 'TP9166' NS667153 New Cumnock
- 'TP9167' NY465879 Newcastleton
- 'TP9203' SO108936 Newtown
- 'TP9062' ST284332 North Petherton (R)
- 'TP9063' TF872061 North Pickenham
- 'TP9064' SJ899668 North Rode
- 'TP9065' SE427936 Northallerton
- 'TP9066' SP340931 Nuneaton (R)
- 'TP9067' SJ273242 Oswestry
- 'TP9168' NS538672 Partick
- 'TP9068' TA315224 Patrington
- 'TP9069' SW456271 Paul
- 'TP9204' ST426910 Penhow
- 'TP9070' NY477283 Penrith (R)
- 'TP9169' NO153228 Perth
- 'TP9170' NJ574652 Portsoy
- 'TP9071' SJ572335 Prees (R)
- 'TP9171' NC900635 Reay
- 'TP9172' NJ493256 Rhynie
- 'TP9072' SD782738 Ribblesdale
- 'TP9173' NJ922665 Rosehearty
- 'TP9174' NT110823 Rosyth
- 'TP9073' SW419294 Sancreed
- 'TP9074' SO950028 Sapperton (R)
- 'TP9175' NH645463 Scorguie
- 'TP9075' SO677025 Sharpness (R)
- 'TP9076' SD996525 Skipton (R)
- 'TP9077' TQ685628 Snodland
- 'TP9078' SE909319 South Cave
- 'TP9079' SU420128 Southampton
- 'TP9080' SU386148 Southampton Maybush *
- 'TP9176' NN210821 Spean Bridge
- 'TP9177' NO534149 St Andrews
- 'TP9081' SJ945287 Stafford
- 'TP9178' NS841969 Stirling *
- 'TP9179' NX058555 Stranraer
- 'TP9082' SO721545 Suckley
- 'TP9180' NH744841 Tain
- 'TP9181' NS971373 Thankerton
- 'TP9083' ST595126 Thornford
- 'TP9084' TF731427 Thornham
- 'TP9182' NM506558 Tobermory
- 'TP9085' SW461291 Tolcarne
- 'TP9086' SS485193 Torrington (R)
- 'TP9205' SH706364 Trawsfynydd
- 'TP9087' SW663370 Troon
- 'TP9183' NN763591 Tummel Bridge
- 'TP9184' NH120953 Ullapool
- 'TP9088' SD288799 Ulverston
- 'TP9089' ST957424 Upton Lovell
- 'TP9090' SU624881 Wallingford
- 'TP9091' SK811253 Waltham-on-the-Wolds
- 'TP9092' SP284648 Warwick
- 'TP9093' NY121042 Wasdale
- 'TP9185' NT665761 Wester Broomhouse
- 'TP9094' NY460535 Wetheral
- 'TP9095' SE340471 Wetherby
- 'TP9186' NT574727 Whittingehame
- 'TP9096' TM518913 Whitton Green North
- 'TP9097' TM518912 Whitton Green South
- 'TP9098' TL542722 Wicken (1913) *
- 'TP9099' TL541722 Wicken (1984) (R)
- 'TP9100' ST988025 Wimborne
- 'TP9101' SU504294 Winchester (R)
- 'TP9102' SU973769 Windsor Castle
- 'TP9103' NZ090381 Wolsingham
- 'TP9206' SJ256528 Wrexham
- 'TP9104' TR067465 Wye (R) *
- 'TP9105' SX516664 Yelverton
- * The Fundamental Benchmarks shown in grey italics may have been reported missing or destroyed
Total = 207 Fundamental Benchmarks in All , including 18 reported missing or destroyed