P30 TUMPs - TUMPs or P30s are hills of any height with a drop of at least 30 metres or more on all sides. The name TUMP stands for Thirty & Upward Metres Prominence.
Members can use the list below as their personal P30 TUMP bagging tick list. Just register and log in to tick them off...
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P30 TUMP List & GPS Waypoints:
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Sort this list by: Name | Height | Popularity | Prominence | Significance
- '0433.w' NY393149 Arnison Crag (433m, p31)
- '0295.-' NY443243 Bennethead Banks (295m, p48.5)
- '0890.H' NY348158 Catstye Cam (890m, p62.4)
- '0726.H' NY333225 Clough Head (726m, p108)
- '0455.s' NY381225 Cockley Moor (455m, p38)
- '0302.s' NY451275 Dacre Bank (302m, p40)
- '0859.H' NY346130 Dollywaggon Pike (859m, p50.3)
- '0792.H' NY374104 Dove Crag (792m, p50)
- '0240.-' NY467246 Dunmallet (Dunmallard Hill) (240m, p78)
- '0873.H' NY358117 Fairfield (873m, p300)
- '0442.w' NY380175 Glenridding Dodd (442m, p44)
- '0481.p' NY407217 Gowbarrow Fell (481m, p100)
- '0857.H' NY342205 Great Dodd (857m, p109)
- '0333.b' NY313187 Great How (Thirlmere) (333m, p140)
- '0437.b' NY414223 Great Meldrum (437m, p41)
- '0537.W' NY396253 Great Mell Fell (537m, p200)
- '0766.H' NY355104 Great Rigg (766m, p31)
- '0342.s' NY428219 Hagg Hill (Hagg Wood) (342m, p34)
- '0823.H' NY368112 Hart Crag (823m, p51.2)
- '0950.H' NY342151 Helvellyn (950m, p713)
- '0311.s' NY385162 Keldas (311m, p35)
- '0637.H' NY387100 Little Hart Crag (Little Hart Crag-West Top) (637m, p34)
- '0505.W' NY423240 Little Mell Fell (505m, p224)
- '0883.H' NY342174 Raise (883m, p91.6)
- '0779.H' NY396087 Red Screes (779m, p260)
- '0290.-' NY454239 Salmond’s Hill (290m, p41)
- '0737.H' NY344115 Seat Sandal (737m, p151)
- '0676.H' NY369181 Sheffield Pike (676m, p93)
- '0291.-' NY450245 Soulby Fell (291m, p30.2)
- '0284.-' NY458253 Soulby Fell North Top (284m, p34)
- '0841.H' NY369133 St Sunday Crag (841m, p160)
- '0863.h' NY350149 Striding Edge (High Spying How) (863m, p31.2)
- '0844.H' NY343189 Stybarrow Dodd (844m, p68.9)
- '0274.-' NY435217 The Knotts (274m, p48)
- '0424.b' NY424233 Watermillock Fell (Little Mell Fell South Top) (424m, p40)
- '0863.H' NY337166 White Side (863m, p43.1)
All these waypoints have been bagged by...
dave geere jonglew moorsman nordicstar oakesave rhw RobB Ronnie Bowron Wanderer Wycombe Wanderer
Total = 36 P30 TUMPs in OS Area EASTERN FELLS