201206 Burbage Wilton
Distance 17.1km Ascent/Descent 187m Circular walk
Owner: tomrobson, Type: route/track, Area: England.
YKS373 - The Scar
The Scar from GR: SE 59984 76884. Distance 3.26k and 129m of ascent.
Owner: Ronnie Bowron, Type: route/track, Area: England.
YKS362 - East Fields
Whitwell Grange trig S2582 > East Fields from GR: SE 71467 67124. 2.55k and 56m of ascent.
Owner: Ronnie Bowron, Type: route/track, Area: England.
St Pauls Walden mto Knebworth House Circular
A touch under 9 miles,taking in the Church at St Pauls Walden and Bury house where the Queen Mother spent as a child, then fields roads and forest to Knebworth House. Note: When reaching the lake beneath Knebworth House turn left not right to avoid walking in private property as I did.
Owner: cpjmathieson, Type: route/track, Area: England.
YD132: YKS332 - Winhaugh [Rotten Hill]
Winhaugh [Rotten Hill] from GR: SE 10094 54445. Distance 3.52k and 100m of ascent.
Owner: Ronnie Bowron, Type: route/track, Area: England.
20200819d - Highbanks (Murrah Hill)
Highbanks (Murrah Hill) from GR: NY 39362 30100
Owner: Ronnie Bowron, Type: route/track, Area: England.
YKS325 - Beacon Hill
Beacon Hill from GR: TA 14074 74586. Distance 1.53k and 32m of ascent.
Owner: Ronnie Bowron, Type: route/track, Area: England.
YKS315 - Upper Whitley Edge
Upper Whitley Edge from GR: SE 19710 04912. Distance 1.35k and 31m of ascent.
Owner: Ronnie Bowron, Type: route/track, Area: England.
200723 Lower Malhamdale
Distance 15.7km Ascent/Descent 250m Circular walk
Owner: tomrobson, Type: route/track, Area: England.
200720 Grassington to Conistone
Distance 19.1km Ascent/Descent 476m
Owner: tomrobson, Type: route/track, Area: England.