100517 Pirnmill, Glen Catacol
Start from Pirnmill on Arran 14.3km Ascent/descent 980m Time 4hrs 12min
Owner: tomrobson, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
Glen Affric
Tracklog from an ascent of 4 Munros on north side of Glen Affric. Start point is car park at the end of public road in Glen Affric. Distance 28km, ascent approx 1900m, time 10hrs.
Owner: gigha, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
Beinn na Gainimh
Track log from an acsent of this Perthshire Graham. Start point is small parking area in the Sma' Glen and initial ascent via Glen Almond. Time just over 5 hrs, Distance 17km ascent approx 800m.
Owner: gigha, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
Mayar from Glen Isla
Tracklog from an ascent of Mayar from Glen Isla. Return route took in the Graham Badandun Hill. An interesting alternative if you have already done Mayar and Driesh by the various Glen Doll routes. Distance 24 km, Ascent approx 1000m, Time just over 7 hrs.
Owner: gigha, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
Ben Avon
Due to size restritions without the initial and final biking ...
Owner: munrobagger, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
130513 Cul Beag
Start from Roadside parking just before Loch Lurgainn off A835 Distance 9km Ascent 780m
Owner: tomrobson, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
130516 Seana Bhraigh
Start from small car park near East Rhiddorroch Lodge on a private road at eastern end of glen achall near a foot suspension bridge over Rhiddorroch river Distance 22.7km Ascent 1173m
Owner: tomrobson, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
Ben Nevis
Route 10.40ml
Owner: hillybilly, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
goldenberryhill 2
walk down near west kilbride ayrshire 7.6 miles
Owner: gam, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
100518 the Three Beinns Horseshoe
Start fro the entrance to Glen Rosa on Arran 16.6km Ascent/Descent 1066m Time 4hr 46m
Owner: tomrobson, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.