Leeds Canal Route
Leeds Canal to Apperley Bridge and back NB: This file is a 'GPS Track' recorded by a GPS in the field. Yorkshire Start: Leeds Distance: 14.6 miles
Owner: Phil Newby, Type: route/track, Area: England.
NYLDWA Langcliff Route
Over Fountains Fell and Pen-y-ghent with NYLDWA NB: This file is a 'GPS Track' recorded by a GPS in the field. Yorkshire Start: Langcliff Distance: 19.9 miles
Owner: Phil Newby, Type: route/track, Area: England.
White Peak Way - Peak District
A circular walk of the White Peak of around 90 miles. I suggest Bakewell as a start point and using the YHA's at Youlgreave(11.5 miles), Ilam (16 miles), Hartington (10.5 miles), Ravenstor (14 miles), Lose Hill (11 miles), Hathersage (14 miles), return to Bakewell (13 miles). (Ref material - White Peak Way by Rob Haslam)
Owner: bobwwalker, Type: route/track, Area: England.
NYLDWA Boroughbridge Route
walk from Boroughbridge NB: This file is a 'GPS Track' recorded by a GPS in the field. Yorkshire Dales Start: Boroughbridge SE395668 Distance: 21.4 miles, Ascent: 589 meters - View Ascent Profile..., Estimated Walking Time: 9 hrs.
Owner: Phil Newby, Type: route/track, Area: England.
Wilmot Wander
34 ml
Owner: hillybilly, Type: route/track, Area: England.
NYLDWA Ilkley Route
around Keighley to Silsden with NYLDWA NB: This file is a 'GPS Track' recorded by a GPS in the field. Yorkshire Start: Ilkley Distance: 19.9 miles
Owner: Phil Newby, Type: route/track, Area: England.
110519 Snowdon (via Pyg Track
Start from Pen Y Pass Car Park 10.4km Ascent/Descent 875m Time 3hrs 20m
Owner: tomrobson, Type: route/track, Area: Wales.
NYLDWA Sutton Bank Route
a rather wet NYLDWA walk from Sutton Bank NB: This file is a 'GPS Track' recorded by a GPS in the field. Yorkshire Moors Start: Sutton Bank Distance: 19.8 miles, Ascent: 968 meters - View Ascent Profile..., Estimated Walking Time: 9 hrs.
Owner: Phil Newby, Type: route/track, Area: England.
NYLDWA Ripon Route
walk from Ripon, taking in the south loop of the Ripon Roule NB: This file is a 'GPS Track' recorded by a GPS in the field. Yorkshire Start: CP SE313710 Distance: 18.1 miles, Ascent: 654 meters, Estimated Walking Time: 8 hrs.
Owner: Phil Newby, Type: route/track, Area: England.
Helmsley - Rievaulx and a forest trail
A great morning walk of 11 miles from Helmsley in Nth Yorkshire through field and forest to Rievaulx Bridge and then out into more NY Moors forest back to Helmsley
Owner: YorkshireJohn, Type: route/track, Area: England.