20150514 Toscaig
Distance: 2.79km High point: 117m Low point: 5m Toscaig trig point, from parking bay by phone booth.
Owner: Aqueously90, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
20150514 Meall Gorm
Distance: 3.88km High point: 714m Low point: 584m Meall Gorm trig point, from Bealach na Ba viewpoint.
Owner: Aqueously90, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
20150530 Carn na Loine
Distance: 6.58km High point: 552m Low point: 251m Carn na Loine trig point, from opposite Auchnahannet farm.
Owner: Aqueously90, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
20150531 Kinrive Hill
Distance: 11.61km High point: 403m Low point: 154m Kinrive Hill trig point, via Cnoc Corr Guinie and onwards to fuel depot at Inchindown.
Owner: Aqueously90, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
150510 Meall Dearg
Start from Corran Inn/Ferry Distance 12.7km Ascent 902m Circular walk
Owner: tomrobson, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.
20210509b - Greystoke Forest
Greystoke Forest [Greystoke Park S6953] from GR: NY 40396 34641. Distance 2.1k and 40m of ascent.
Owner: Ronnie Bowron, Type: route/track, Area: England.
YD179: YKS442 - Cotter End
Cotter End from GR: SD 84210 92114. Distance 5.94k and 238m of ascent.
Owner: Ronnie Bowron, Type: route/track, Area: England.
YD178: YKS441 - Turner Hill
Turner Hill from GR: SD 77695 93834. Distance 1.57k and 49m of ascent.
Owner: Ronnie Bowron, Type: route/track, Area: England.
YKS440 - Barden Fell
Barden Fell from GR: SE 13653 96941. Distance 0.57k and 12m of ascent
Owner: Ronnie Bowron, Type: route/track, Area: England.
YKS439 - Holegate How
Holegate How from GR: NZ 07127 04827. Distance 0.85k and 32 of ascent.
Owner: Ronnie Bowron, Type: route/track, Area: England.