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OS Area: W Hewitts List & GPS Waypoints

OS Area: W -
Hewitts - Hills of England and Wales & Ireland over Two Thousand feet (with at least 30 metre drop on all sides).
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Members can use the list below as their personal Hewitt bagging tick list. Just register and log in to tick them off...

Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

Map Legend: :Hewitts | :Nearby Hewitts

Hewitt List & GPS Waypoints:

Climbed any of these hills? Log in to tick them off...
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  • '0681.H' W191871 Caherbarnagh (An Chathair Bhearnach) (681m, p364)
  • '0693.h' W010645 Caoinkeen (An Caincin) (693m, p106)
  • '0655.H' W049829 Crohane (An Cruachan) (655m, p393)
  • '0625.h' W001672 Gullaba Hill (625m, p58)
  • '0705.H' W004620 Knockboy (An Cnoc Bui) (705m, p609)
  • '0649.H' W214817 Mullaghanish (Mullach an Ois) (649m, p264)
  • '0643.H' W328849 Musheramore (Muisire Mor) (643m, p437)
  • '0706.h' W006818* Stoompa (Stumpa) (706m, p87)
  • '0694.H' W133855 The Paps East (An Da Chich Anann (An Chioch Thoir)) (694m, p402)
  • '0690.h' W125855 The Paps West (690m, p106)

All these waypoints have been bagged by...

Chalky1953 HillmanImp IainT jamesmichaelforrest rhw


Bagging League for these Hills...

Total = 10 Hewitts in OS Area W


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