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Area: 13 Munros List & GPS Waypoints

Area: 13 - Loch Carron to Loch Maree
Munros - Scottish Munro Mountains - The Munros are the highest of Scotland's mountains, 282 mountain tops named after the man who first catalogued them, Sir Hugh Munro.
Revised down from 284: Beinn a'Chlaidheimh and Sgurr nan Ceannaichean have been surveyed as less than 3000ft and have been reclassified as Corbetts.
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Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

Map Legend: :Munros | :Nearby Munros

Munro List & GPS Waypoints:

Climbed any of these hills? Log in to tick them off...
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  • '0986.M' NG865612 Beinn Alligin-Sgurr Mor (986m, p601)
  • '0922.M' NG859601 Beinn Alligin-Tom na Gruagaich (922m, p155)
  • '1010.M' NG951611 Beinn Eighe-Ruadh-stac Mor (1010m, p632)
  • '0993.M' NG966597 Beinn Eighe-Spidean Coire nan Clach (993m, p172)
  • '0926.M' NG964519 Beinn Liath Mhor (926m, p271)
  • '1024.M' NG911576 Liathach-Mullach an Rathain (1024m, p152)
  • '1055.M' NG929579 Liathach-Spidean a’ Choire Leith (1055m, p957)
  • '0933.M' NG924499 Maol Chean-dearg (933m, p514)
  • '0961.M' NG959505 Sgorr Ruadh (961m, p723)

All these waypoints have been bagged by...

Adrian Cunliffe alanayr alastair.g.ewen@gmai alastairtyson albertrichardson Alex Thomson Andrew Brown AndrewFinnimore Andy G Andy Joynson andys assynt_bob Barry Smith belfarm BigPinno bill gray Bill Outdoors bobaffleck1 Bonzer Capt Malbec Carole cfw58 Chalky1953 chazzyboy19 Chris Pearson Chris Upson chriswatson cjo Coisiche Colin Crawford Conrad craigmartin Cranstackie Crumblie2 cuillin Dangerous Dave Dave McG dobben57 doc Dolorespearl drjohnyoung Dugswell2 ezil fergie garymacfarlane gedc GeorgeH Georgie geralddavison gerrybowes gigha Gman45 GordonAdshead grahamn Hbomb HillmanImp hmarston HochMcGandy iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines jamesmichaelforrest Jane T Jaxter jeskynar Jim.Fothergill jim1876 JimH joe.mw90 johnevenden JohnM johnxzz JSB jscotthills j_parry Kaye.c Keith Allen KennyB KevPalmer Kilwinning Rab Lindsay M lorettocourt MacAoidh Mal Grey malky_c malky_c2 Margaret mcarey61 Minto miss munro Moacky Mosmart N.Morters nealel04 ngthack nick canute No690 nordicstar Norm45 NormanW oakesave oscarben Peebs PeterD PeterTennant PGCE Phil Newby Phil Newby (2nd) phoebesleath pigeon Polly and Jim rhalstead rhw Ribbit49 RichTea rinnes robertphillips rockdoctor roger rogreeves Rum doodle russell61 russell63 sammoore sclater scoob999 skyegabbro sleeplander Squirrelly Nutcase steve glasper Steve S Suilven731m Summerace tarmachan thenomad Tony tundraboy Tweeg vegibagger weaselmaster Wycombe Wanderer Wyvis xslawekx Zilly


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Total = 9 Munros in Area 13


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