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Area: 36 Deweys List & GPS Waypoints

Area: 36 - Lancashire, Cheshire and S Pennines
Deweys - The Deweys are peaks in England, Wales and the Isle and Man between 500 metres and 2,000 feet (609.6 metres) in height, with a prominence above 30 metres (98 feet), which were listed by Michael Dewey in 1995. Deweys extend the England and Wales Hewitts below 2,000 feet, but above 500 metres.
More information:
Members can use the list below as their personal Dewey bagging tick list. Just register and log in to tick them off...

Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

Map Legend: :Deweys | :Nearby Deweys

Dewey List & GPS Waypoints:

Climbed any of these hills? Log in to tick them off...
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All these waypoints have been bagged by...

alan caine amblerbob andys Chris Pearson chriswatson Dugswell2 gerrybowes IainT jonglew Liz_N nordicstar oakesave PeterD PGCE Ronnie Bowron snaithd Wycombe Wanderer


Bagging League for these Hills...

Total = 26 Deweys in Area 36


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