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Area: 36 Nuttalls List & GPS Waypoints

Area: 36 - Lancashire, Cheshire and S Pennines
Nuttalls - Hills & Mountains list maintained by John and Anne Nuttall and detailed in 'The Mountains of England and Wales' published by Cicerone Press. Includes all the Hewitts
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Members can use the list below as their personal Nuttall bagging tick list. Just register and log in to tick them off...

Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

Map Legend: :Nuttalls

Nuttall List & GPS Waypoints:

Climbed any of these hills? Log in to tick them off...
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  • '0633.H' SK094960 Bleaklow Head (633m, p128)
  • '0622.n' SK088947 Higher Shelf Stones (622m, p19.8)
  • '0636.H' SK084875 Kinder Scout (636m, p496)

All these waypoints have been bagged by...

adoling Adrian Adrian Cunliffe alan caine Alex C Alexhew amblerbob Andrew Beavers Andrew Brown andyb2706 AndyKDQ AndyMoon andys Anton Archie Argentum66 arrans Barry Smith Beeliner Bill Outdoors bramley Brunshaw buspass cadia campbell3646 Carole casasuzy Chalky1953 Chicki Chris Gilbert Chris Hartley Chris Pearson chrisd101 chriswatson CHUBT0007 citygent ckyliu Colin Crawford dan Dangerous Dave DanHolme DanHolme1977 danMaisiebex DanTrig darren-mountains Dave Hall dave.farrant David Evans david gradwell David Kershaw dc11main DeeGee Denise Des Taylor Dugswell2 edgradwell Exe-Eagle fitfish fitzydan Foelbach gedc GeoffC GeoRams gerrybowes Gina Gman45 GordonAdshead GPH1011 greg_may_ Griefmiester Grizzly.Adventures Haston Nomads Haydn Davies HenryHooverOnTour hillbasher hillhiker1 HillmanImp Howie iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines iwardle iwc jamesmichaelforrest jan/steve jeff Jim.Fothergill jimgrant500 Jimmy Doughnut JK joelrobinson27 JohnC johnevenden Johnny2503 johnpat jonglew JSB Kaye.c KevPalmer KJB kjmcdon1 Laura-Doling leedsloveruk Les Arcs Liam3020 Liz_N lonesome_cowboy_burt lorettocourt Mal Grey manilena mapbs Margaret markg Martin Whiteley Melissa2521 michael.smethurst MikeG moorsman Mossylea MountainBlade ngthack Nick Down nordicstar oakesave Old Bald Man Oscar7 osian outlawcatcher OwainG painterman pancakes Paul Boothroyd Paul Turner pc1406 Peakbagger Peebs PeteBoggs PeteMatthews Peter Smith PeterD PGCE Phil Newby Phil Newby (2nd) PhilClayton Philip Rhayader PJ Yue PM polly psychocrawler rach105rach10523rach razor RCPugh rhalstead rhayader_wanderer Rhino48 rhw Rhys Thomas Richard Gunn Rob&Ru rob77 RobB rocie rockdoctor Ronnie Bowron Rusty sclater Seafisher1 SeanyG Shane shaun3010 SimonW SJD slateloose snaithd Sprog staton75 steve glasper Steve S steve&gill stevedixon stevent0809 steverowland stravaiger2011 stuvicks summitsup supertrampz Taff teamworkluke Ted Richards The Trudges thenomad Thermal_Vest&SPF50 thetills Timwat1 tommyboyp TonyRog Trudge.Tracey tryfan umksj underhill walking1 wassock Woodford Walkers Wycombe Wanderer yt Zara Zenabob2105


Bagging League for these Hills...

Total = 3 Nuttalls in Area 36


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