Area: 57 - Channel Islands
P30 TUMPs - TUMPs or P30s are hills of any height with a drop of at least 30 metres or more on all sides. The name TUMP stands for Thirty & Upward Metres Prominence.
Members can use the list below as their personal P30 TUMP bagging tick list. Just register and log in to tick them off...
Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey
Map Legend: :P30 TUMPs | :Nearby P30 TUMPs
P30 TUMP List & GPS Waypoints:
Climbed any of these hills? Log in to tick them off...
Sort this list by: Name | Height | Popularity | Prominence | Significance
- '0090.-' WA569065* Alderney Airport NE perimeter (90m, p90)
- '0070.-' WV446756* Brecqhou (70m, p70)
- '0035.-' WA570052* Coque Lihou (35m, p35)
- '0036.-' WV387790 Crevichon (36m, p36)
- '0055.-' WA588085 Fort Albert (55m, p32)
- '0038.-' WA562056* Fourquie (38m, p38)
- '0045.-' WV449756 Gouliot (45m, p45)
- '0036.-' WV391782 Grand Fauconniere (36m, p36)
- '0107.p' WV291754 Guernsey Airport (107m, p107)
- '0066.-' WV400796 Herm (66m, p66)
- '0067.-' WV390786 Jethou (67m, p67)
- '0069.-' WV459723* L’Etac (69m, p69)
- '0045.-' WV595555* L’lle Agois (45m, p45)
- '0031.-' WV603463* L’lle Perchie (31m, p31)
- '0030.-' WV458776 La Grune (30m, p30)
- '0048.-' WA561056* La Nace (48m, p48)
- '0109.p' WV462755 Le Moulin (Sark) (109m, p109)
- '0032.-' WA553058* Le Puits Gervais (32m, p32)
- '0039.-' WA547060* Les Etacs (39m, p39)
- '0136.p' WV651554* Les Platons (Jersey) (136m, p136)
- '0036.-' WV333740* Les Tas de Pois d’Amont (36m, p36)
Total = 21 P30 TUMPs in Area 57