OS Area: NW -
Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey
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- '0094.-' NW989690* Bine Hill (94m, p30)
- '0000-' NW628476* Black Head Lighthouse (0m)
- '0101.y' NW988701 Cairnbowie Hill (101m, p43)
- '0000-' NW563577* Chaine Tower Lighthouse (0m)
- '0000-' NW981726* Corsewall Point Lighthouse (0m)
- '0149.-' NW994625* Craighead (149m, p51)
- '0000-' NW723335* Donaghadee Lighthouse (0m)
- '0000-' NW568573* Ferris Point Lighthouse (0m)
- '0151.-' NW995568 Killantringan Fell (151m, p42)
- '0000-' NW981564* Killantringan Lighthouse (0m)
- '0000-' NW730391* Lighthouse Island (Lesser Copeland Island) Lighthouse (0m)
- '0000-' NW613657* Maidens (East Tower) Lighthouse (0m)
- '0000-' NW606659* Maidens West Tower Lighthouse (0m)
- '0000-' NW737394* Mew Island Lighthouse (0m)
- '0000-' NW999539* Portpatrick Lighthouse (0m)
- '0000-' NW782058* South Rock (Kilwarlin) Lighthouse (0m)
Total = 16 All in OS Area NW