OS Area: SW -
Marilyns - Hills & Mountains of any height with a drop of at least 150 metres on all sides.
The geographical area includes the Isle of Man and the islands of St Kilda. (N.B. twin peak marilyns are not included here)
More information: http://bubl.ac.uk/org/tacit/tables/ or Wikipedia...
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Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey
Map Legend: :Marilyns
Marilyn List & GPS Waypoints:
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Adrian alan caine Andrew Brown AndrewFinnimore andys Areluctant-triggeR assynt_bob BigPinno bramley Brunshaw bwm Carole Chalky1953 Chris Pearson Chris Upson chriswatson citygent cjo clivevilla Colin Crawford Conrad CornishGazza Crumblie2 Dangerous Dave DanTrig dave.farrant DaveJones david gradwell David Kershaw Denise Des Taylor doddy Donna Dugswell2 Earby Rambler edgradwell ER Scott gerrybowes GordonAdshead hillbasher HillmanImp hmarston iaindbrown IainT Ian Baines IMG jamesblackford2 Jim.Fothergill jonglew jzimmy12345 Lindsay M Liz_N Margaret micks trigs Minto N.Morters Nick Down Nick Wakelam nordicstar NormanW oakesave oscarben outlawcatcher painterman pat1940 Penwithick pixie PeterD PGCE PM rhalstead rhw RichTea robertphillips rogreeves Shane slateloose snaithd Sprog Steve S stevedixon SteveG stevent0809 StigoftheNest thelonious Tony J tundraboy vegibagger
Total = 2 Marilyns in OS Area SW