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All Details & GPS Waypoint

Wester Craiglockhart Hill 176m (577ft)

Summit Feature: No feature: ground c 6m E of trig point.
Classification: Hill Trigpoint, P30 Tump.
OS Grid Ref: NT228700 (10 figure Grid Ref: NT2283070072).
UK Area: 28 - Firth of Forth to the River Tweed (OS Maps 1:50k 66. 1:25k 350.)
Latitude: 55.91751, Longitude: -3.23628, Height: 176 metres (577 feet)
Prominence: 62 metres (203 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0176.- (DoBIH Hill ID: 14263)

Associated Trigpoint:
  TP6265 'Wester Craiglockhart Hill' Grid Ref: NT2282770062 Separation: 10m from Hill grid ref.

External Links for Wester Craiglockhart Hill:
-GeoHack link... -OS Map Bing link... -Google Map link... -Geograph link... -Wester Craiglockhart Hill on -Wester Craiglockhart Hill on

Data courtesy of the Database of British and Irish Hills

Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

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  • '0176.-' NT228700 Wester Craiglockhart Hill (176m, p62)

Member's Comments on Wester Craiglockhart Hill...


Wester Craiglockhart Hill has been climbed by...

agentmancuso alan caine Alex C Aqueously90 Areluctant-triggeR Ben BigJ broadse Brunshaw Carole Chalky1953 Chewie6786422 Chris Pearson cjo clochandighter Colin Crawford Dugswell2 Earby Rambler elaineb14 Enriak Fergus4paws George White hmarston HochMcGandy iaindbrown jhardie jonglew jubilado KennyB lorettocourt Mark S Milimut Minto Moacky Nick Down nordicstar NormanW Norriec oakesave painterman PeterD PM Pritch227 rhw RobB robertphillips russell61 sandman sclater SeanyG slateloose stevent0809 Suilven731m twiggymate


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Data courtesy of the Database of British and Irish Hills


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