Arthur’s Seat 251m (823ft)
Summit Feature: Rock by trig point. (Survey: obvious summit)
Classification: Hill Trigpoint, Hump, Hugh, Marilyn, P30 Tump, Yeaman.
OS Grid Ref: NT275729 (10 figure Grid Ref: NT2753372948).
UK Area: 28 - Firth of Forth to the River Tweed (OS Maps 1:50k 66. 1:25k 350.)
Latitude: 55.94408, Longitude: -3.16182, Height: 251 metres (823 feet)
Prominence: 174 metres (571 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0251.P (DoBIH Hill ID: 1828)
Associated Trigpoint:
TP0131 'Arthurs Seat' Grid Ref: NT2753372947 Separation: 1m from Hill grid ref.
Associated Child Hill(s):
Dunsapie (145m, p32); Salisbury Crags (174m, p63);
External Links for Arthur’s Seat:
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- '0251.P' NT275729 Arthur’s Seat (251m, p174)
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Arthur’s Seat's Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
Dunsapie (0.7km)Salisbury Crags (0.8km)Calton Hill (1.7km)Edinburgh Castle (2.4km)Blackford Hill (3.1km)Braid Hills (4.3km)Easter Craiglockhart Hill (5.0km)Wester Craiglockhart Hill (5.5km)Corstorphine Hill (7.1km)Caerketton Hill (7.9km)
Arthur’s Seat has been climbed by...
3KFooter Adrian afoster agentmancuso alan caine alanayr Alex C Alex Thomson alexmaclennan alicecake23 AMac Andrew Brown AndrewFinnimore andymo andys Aqueously90 Archie areelle Areluctant-triggeR arte et labore assynt_bob a_macdonald bagger14 Barry Smith beckybags belfarm Ben bern Big Diesel BigJ BigPinno Bisquitine bramley broadse Brunshaw burns buspass calreddo captainslow Carole carolje Chalky1953 chazzyboy19 Chewie6786422 Chris Mac Chris Pearson Chris Upson Christine chriswatson citygent cjo ckyliu clochandighter cobbler Cobblers Colin Crawford Cootking craftinessa Cranstackie Crumblie2 cuillin Curler dan dancingqueen101 Dangerous Dave DanTrig DaveS David Bremner DekBagsTrigs dekker Denise derrymark desperate dan DirtbagRunnersE&W disastrophe DM DottieP drspacetoad dshepherd8 Dugswell2 Earby Rambler ekins11 elaineb14 Emackc Enriak ewen.kellar ezil FarSide Fellrunner61 fergie Fergus4paws Fife Walking fitzydan flydesk gallowaybob garryp383 gav777 George White georgedliston GeorgeH Georgie gerrybowes GillX Gimgamgoolie go walk Gordex1 GordonAdshead gouldinj Graeme grahamn grannymermaid Griefmiester Happy_wonderer23 Helen C Highlandholly hillbasher hillobaggins hils hmarston HochMcGandy I love disco iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines iangpark iansimpson Ingy13879 iwc jamesblackford2 Jane S Jane T Jaxter Jenno jeskynar jhardie Jim.Fothergill jimhartill jimp JK JohnM JohnRC jonglew jparussell jubilado Jurassic Parkinsons Kaye.c kazlou KennyB kevandjean KevPalmer kintyrejoao Konnor64 Lapwing LeDude Lee Rudman Lindsay M Liz_N lonesome_cowboy_burt lorettocourt Lornajo lynn MacAoidh malky_c malky_c2 ManofKernow Mark S marting matt80097 Megan123 micks trigs Minto Moacky Moira293 MonsterRancidTroll Moore100 Mosmart Mystrallya N.Morters nealel04 nellydean ngthack Nick Down nordicstar NormanW Norriec oakesave Ocean Soul owaincaesarius painterman PeteCroudace PeterD PGCE Phil Newby phil41181 philandtheresa Pig pigeon ploto PM Pritch227 reyjam rhayader_wanderer rhw Rhys Thomas Ribbit49 RichTea rob77 RobB robbosem robertphillips rockdoctor rococo1805 rogreeves Ronnie Bowron roryr_32 russell61 russell63 sandman sclater SeanyG Shane shaun3010 Shellian silvervixen58 SJD sje94 skyegabbro slateloose snaithd Sprog Steve S stevedixon SteveG stevent0809 steverowland Stevetrig Suilven731m summitsup supersaint swampysean tarmachan Teresa Durrant thelonious thenomad Tonester Tony J toomanylegbones toonsd1983 Topofthemoor tundraboy tuxer twiggymate vegibagger vickipotts11 victoria_hikes vkmmp Wadey1973 Walker Dan walking scotland westmill WJJ Wycombe Wanderer xslawekx yukin61 Zilly
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