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All Details & GPS Waypoint

Y Garn 947m (3107ft)

Summit Feature: Cairn/shelter. (Survey: Abney level)
Classification: 500, Bridge, Bishop, Buxton-lewis, Clem, Corbett25, Docharty, Furth, Gillham, Hewitt, High-hill, Hump, Jones, Marilyn, Marsh, Moss, Moss2000, Nuttall, Separate, Simm, Trail100, P30 Tump.
OS Grid Ref: SH630595 (10 figure Grid Ref: SH6308959569).
UK Area: 30 - Snowdonia (OS Maps 1:50k 115. 1:25k OL17W.)
Latitude: 53.11569, Longitude: -4.04708, Height: 947 metres (3107 feet)
Prominence: 235 metres (771 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0947.H (DoBIH Hill ID: 1972)

Associated Child Hill(s):
   Foel-goch (831m, p77);

External Links for Y Garn:
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Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

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1st-Ade 2E0XYL 3fatties Adnan Khan adoling Adrian Adrian Cunliffe AGD alaldjdj alan caine Alex C Alex Thomson alexdwaldron Alfapapa Alpa Alwen Anaconda Andrew Brabban Andrew Brown andrewcoles AndrewFinnimore Andy Joynson andyd Andym692. AndyMoon andyritchie999 andys anthonyduncalf Anton Aqualung arc73 Archie archiebald7 b20pjg Barry Smith beckybags beedeedee Benji-Fish benlah1977 bessyboot2 big Al bigalga1 BigPinno Bill Outdoors Bisquitine brucie Brunshaw c.eustace cadia Carole Carrott63 casewe26 Chalky1953 charding charlesc Chris Pearson chrisd101 Chrisfry35 chriswatson chris_outdoors cjo clivenme Col Colfeaton Colin Crawford Cranstackie Crumblie2 Cumbriancyclist D8446492 dan Dangerous Dave DanHolme DanHolme1977 danMaisiebex DanTrig DarenKearl Darren Morgan darren-mountains Dave Hall dave.farrant daveeabrown daveyf2001 David Evans david gradwell David Kershaw David Sadler davidwhitelock DawnRobert Mills Dazzygidds dc11main delterry Denise derek DerekClive derrymark Des Taylor desperate dan djaphoto DJBlack dobben57 DougBurke Douglas doug_scott drinki ds1 Dugswell2 ed cody edgradwell edwin17 eigerman ER Scott erang57 eric b Erwynj Exe-Eagle ExploreWithBrendan ezil fellfox fellowsa Foelbach Foreverinthehills foxdog gallowaybob gedc GeoffC geofftaxi georgebrowning GeorgeH geralddavison gerrybowes gevo gibbo gimmer Glyn Griffiths Gman45 gns1 GordonAdshead gordouli GorillaPie gouldinj Gravyrock greg_may_ Griggsy hamishjfk Hannah harryd Haydn Davies Helen C hillbasher hillhiker1 HillmanImp hmarston Howie iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines Ian Millard iwardle iwc jaks JamesBalti jamesmichaelforrest Jane S Jane T Jason Jaxter jeff Jeff Parker jemuk Jim.Fothergill jimgrant500 jimp JK jkldg Jo Banks JoanneS joelrobinson27 johanz85 John Halstead johnc johnevenden JohnM Johnny2503 jonglew JordanL jparussell JPG jpharvey JSB julie Jurassic Parkinsons kas78 Kaye.c kcol Keith Allen Ken Latham KennyB KevPalmer kimjimaroo Kimson Kingy11 KJB kjmcdon1 krokus Lancslad lazeedaydream Lennylee Les Arcs Linda Hinton Liz_N lkd137 lonesome_cowboy_burt lorettocourt Lynette Pritchard mad max Mal Grey malky_c malky_c2 manilena ManofKernow mapman810 MarcX Margaret Mark Haythornthwaite markbarrett1976 MarkCarr203 Martin Whiteley mborrell mhalsall98 Mick Taylor Mike&Debs Mike76 MikeG millionmts Minto mluckas mojo Mollycat38 morganmurphy1993 Mortimus mountain goat mountain walker mountaindolphin Mouse666 mrhatter MrMayze mrsrhiannonpage N.Morters NatalieM ngthack nick canute ninthace No690 nordicstar NormanW oakesave oscarben osian osianeryl outlawcatcher OwainG owenhenley Oztag86 painterman pancakes pape100 Parlick Paul Bateman Paul Boothroyd paulbooth88 Peakbagger Peebs PeteMatthews peter bailey Peter Bradshaw Peter Smith peter1 PeterD PGCE Phil Newby Phil Newby (2nd) philandsam PhilClayton phoebe.sleath phoebesleath PJ Yue pja PM Polly and Jim Pomp74 Psh69 psychocrawler Puddleglum Rach Young rav razar razor rb RDK reddwarf26 rhalstead rhayader_wanderer Rhino48 rhw Ribbit49 Rich1 RichardB RichTea Richteacurry rickeeling Rob Metcalf ROB PEN Y GARN rob77 RobB robertphillips robgarbett329 RobinPrince rockdoctor roddyp rogreeves Ronnie Bowron Rowan.Chesmer runblue Russell Morris russell61 russell63 RussellMorris Rusty sammoore sandycmckay@hotmail. sanhozay sbolingb sclater scoffs2000 scottdwhite seany sgwyn98 Shane shaun3010 silentmelons Simon mitchell Simon Thomas Sizzors27 SJD sliw76 Smog snaithd Sprog Stamper77 staton75 stefan_d_i Steffan Steggs17 steve steve glasper steve rennie Steve S steve&gill stevedixon SteveG stevent0809 Steve_apperley StigoftheNest stravaiger2011 Stu62 stuvicks Summiteer summitsup swake01 teamworkluke Ted Richards The Rover theglade thenomad thetills thomas tkilcommons tomrobson Tony J Tony M tonymac Topaz Trolly tryfan Tundraboy twiggymate umksj underhill vegibagger Wadey1973 wardlinney wassock wayne23 WayneMac01 weaselmaster westmill WestoningPaul winerwalker woollywendi Wulfrun71 Xinjiang Yelekreb Young Albert yt Zara Zilly zippymk13 zordon


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