An Bhinn Dubh (Bencollaghduff) 697m (2287ft)
Classification: Arderin, Bishop, Dillon, Docharty, Hewitt, Hump, Marilyn, Simm, Vandeleur-lynam.
OS Grid Ref: L797529 This data is currently only accurate to a 6 figure grid reference (c.a 100m).
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UK Area: 47 - The Twelve Bens (OS Maps 1:50k 37.)
Latitude: 53.51251, Longitude: -9.81417, Height: 697 metres (2287 feet)
Prominence: 203 metres (666 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0697.H (DoBIH Hill ID: 20098)
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- '0697.H' L797529* An Bhinn Dubh (Bencollaghduff) (697m, p203)
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An Bhinn Dubh (Bencollaghduff)'s Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
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An Bhinn Dubh (Bencollaghduff) has been climbed by...
andys Chalky1953 Colin Crawford Dangerous Dave GordonAdshead HillmanImp IainT IainT2 jamesmichaelforrest Jim.Fothergill JJameson Keith Allen KennyB Mossylea oakesave psychocrawler rhayader_wanderer rhw
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