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All Details & GPS Waypoint

Shillhope Law 501m (1644ft)

Summit Feature: Trig pillar in shelter above ancient cairn. Note: natural summit might be 15m SW at NT 87302 09660 or 10m S at NT 87311 09660. (Survey: Abney level)
Classification: Hill Trigpoint, Dodd, Cheviot99, Clem, Deacon, Dewey, Hump, Law, Marilyn, P30 Tump.
OS Grid Ref: NT873096 (10 figure Grid Ref: NT8731109679).
UK Area: 33 - The Scottish Border to the River Tyne (OS Maps 1:50k 80. 1:25k OL16E.)
Latitude: 55.38092, Longitude: -2.20182, Height: 501 metres (1644 feet)
Prominence: 159 metres (522 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0501.P (DoBIH Hill ID: 2314)

Associated Trigpoint:
  TP5349 'Shillhope Law' Grid Ref: NT8731009677 Separation: 2m from Hill grid ref.

Associated Child Hill(s):
   Kyloe Shin (433m, p74);    Middle Hill (396m, p49);

External Links for Shillhope Law:
-GeoHack link... -OS Map Bing link... -Google Map link... -Geograph link... -Shillhope Law on -Shillhope Law on

Data courtesy of the Database of British and Irish Hills

Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

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  • '0501.P' NT873096 Shillhope Law (501m, p159)

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D159 - Shillhope Law (Ronnie Bowron)


Shillhope Law has been climbed by...

Adrian ADuke alan caine AlanG70 amblerbob Andrew Brown AndrewFinnimore andys Anton Areluctant-triggeR Barry Smith beckybags Bisquitine Brunshaw bwm Carole carolje Chalky1953 Chris Pearson Chris Upson chriswatson cjo clochandighter Colin Crawford coltrane68uk Conrad Crumblie2 Dangerous Dave DanTrig david gradwell Davvi Denise Des Taylor Dugswell2 edgradwell FarSide Fellrunner61 GeoffC George White Georgie gerrybowes GordonAdshead Greenmantle Hbomb hepmh7361 Hippster iaindbrown IainT JenniferP jessica.davison Jim.Fothergill jonglew kas78 Kaye.c Lesley Lindsay M Liz_N lukedavidwillem Mark S Megan123 Michael Windle Minto moorsman Mystrallya N.Morters NGTrigs Nick Down nordicstar NormanW northernphilby oakesave ogirl oscarben painterman PeterD PGCE PM rhw RichTea Robert Thomson robertphillips Robopog rogreeves Ron Ronnie Bowron slateloose snaithd Sprog Steve S stevent0809 SteveRobbo StigoftheNest Ted Richards thenomad vegibagger Walker Dan Wycombe Wanderer


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Data courtesy of the Database of British and Irish Hills


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