Hindscarth 727m (2385ft)
Summit Feature: Rock by windshelter. Note: several rocks nearby look higher but are not. (Survey: Abney level)
Classification: Birkett, Bridge, Bishop, Buxton-lewis, Docharty, Elmslie, Falkingham, Fellranger, Frcc, Hewitt, Marsh, Moss2000, Nuttall, Relative-wainwright, Simm, Simpson, Synge, P30 Tump, Wainwright, Wright.
OS Grid Ref: NY215165 (10 figure Grid Ref: NY2156616517).
UK Area: 34 - Lake District - Central & Western Fells (OS Maps 1:50k 89,90. 1:25k OL4S.)
Latitude: 54.53783, Longitude: -3.21376, Height: 727 metres (2385 feet)
Prominence: 71 metres (233 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0727.H (DoBIH Hill ID: 2411)
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- '0727.H' NY215165 Hindscarth (727m, p71)
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Hindscarth's Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
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Hindscarth's Nearby Routes...
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Hindscarth has been climbed by...
1878 1st-Ade Absintheur Adnan Khan adoling adrenalinemike Adrian Adrian Cunliffe Adrian Davis AdyGray afrankland AGD aims87c alan alan caine alanayr alarmingcod AlexD alexisb Alfie AliB Alice_burrow Alison Crawford amalia amblerbob ameliaehunt anaclaud25 Andrew Brabban Andrew Brown Andy C Andy G Andy Sykes andyd Andym692. AndyMoon andyritchie999 andys Angelajmoore anngray Anton Appletree28 arc73 Archie areelle Arete Arkel arnolwj arthur.greaves assynt_bob Azraq b c studholme Bagman bailer01 BaileyK bat3man Bazwell beanie Beatrix beautifulbass BeCaToPo beccagrice Beccahaworth beckybags Bella Wella benarbia_8 Benji-Fish benny156 benr BenSharrock Bergerud berryk bessyboot2 big Al Big Man bigalga1 BigJ Bilbo Bill Honeywell Bill Outdoors binsey Birdy83 Bisquitine BJH2014 blackpete Bluemoon bob156123 bobaffleck1 bobbedybob Bobstrolz bongoband bordertman Bowser bradheleni Braefell bramley Braverp brindlite Brumby Brunshaw butterfly Cankita captainslow carl studholme Carol Makin carold Carole carolje Carrieg catbells catgill CatherineS CathL Cathy CDillon Chalky1953 Charlierp Cheshire Claret Chester Chris Gilbert Chris Jackson CHRIS MARLAND Chris Pearson Chris Upson Chris1 Chris2211 Chris85 Chrisa chrisd101 Chrisfry35 ChrisH ChrisInTheNorth ChrisRich Christina Christine christineandjohn chriswatson chris_outdoors chunkyhugo citygent CJMD cjo Clare cleasbo33 Climber51 cmarland Codfitz Col Colfeaton colfie Colin Crawford colinveal Colsmith comedydave ConorWard1997 Conrad cookielove cragratcher Cris Daly Crumblie2 Cullen23 Cumbriancyclist curlysam curlysamplanner Cwcawelch cybertench Cyclistno1 D8446492 dan Dangerous Dave danMaisiebex DanSmiffff dantheman923 DanTrig darren-mountains Darren182 dave geere Dave Hall Dave Parker dave.farrant Davehall daveholly davek DaveS Davethebread daveweths Davey1889 David david gradwell David Kershaw david.kendall DavidH davidmccay davidwhitelock davies.lucy110 Davon daxaandre@hotmail.co dbottomley DeeGee dekker deklan denby12 Denise dennis1955 denzilbell Des Taylor Dev diggs31 dingo2uk Dingoff15 Dipstickk djwaddi dmacbrew dobben57 Dobby doc Doccrichton dogshome DougBurke doug_scott drinki DrSteveClark ds1 dsha Dugswell2 Duncan13 dwhiteway Eamonn Earl Grey Eddy edgradwell Ednewcome ednumd edward_blandford edwinoutnback Elfmcguinness ElizabethBrown ellen el_capitan EmilyT89 Emma emmatabitha ER Scott eric b EricS1949 Ericthewanderer etuck99 Evil McBad Exe-Eagle exiles exterrestris Fatboy Fellbobs fellfox FellHobbler ffloss fitfish fitzydan fizzerfox Flutterby Foelbach forest68 frank mc Freddiebake friarmere fridaywalking funit10 g.sandom g0vwp g4obk GACJ Gardentiger garrywhite Gary Sinclair Gavin Gazzad Gcolling gdh200 gdmefc gedc gemmacolling@rocketm GeoffC Geol_lizzie georgedliston Georgie gerrybowes Gherardir gibbo Gillian Dixon Gina glannon Gman45 godspeedjon77 goldstone GolfChick GordonAdshead gordouli gouldinj GPH1011 Grahamandterrill GrahamB214 Grahame Trudgill Gray grayscottage graysey greaves Greenman greg_may_ Griffin GRJackson grumpybob grumpybob2 grumpytyke GSJ6580 H4TH Happywalker1958 hardlyclaire Harperp harrison.david69 harrison.david8 harryd Hazel Robinson hazelrobinson73 Hazzeem025 Hectorfox Heidi Helen C hepmh7361 Hibbertj hillbasher hillhiker1 HillmanImp HochMcGandy hooker128 Houghy hth6761 hudsonuk Hungryholmes Iain iaindbrown iainsanderson IainT IainT2 Ian Baines Ian Jackson Ian Millard Ian Sweet Ian.murphy7@aol.co.u Ian1969 ianhandley IanHugh IanN Iggsypoo ij_beds Ingy13879 Inny irwin Ish1959 itchy_teeth iwardle iwc J&C j.ingham28 Jab jacamaruk jackdee98 jackfowler JackLee Jackmcg2018 jackmignall@hotmail. jacko1969 Jacqdaw Jacqui H jade jaks jamesd666 jamesfc jamesholloway44 jamesmichaelforrest jamesrobinsonart123 JamieM jan/steve Jane S Jane T JaneApr JaneAug JaneFeb JaneMay janemottram janmac jason smith Jaxfells Jaymoore28 jazman Jeanette jeff JenniferP Jersey wanderer Jim Caldwell Jim.Fothergill jimbobh28 jimgrant500 jimhartill Jimmy Birkinswarbz jimmyG jimp JK jkldg jnixon Jo Banks JoanneS Jochmoal Jodyd joe.mw90 joehunt75 john barley John Boy John F lists John Halstead John Neate JohnC johnevenden johnhunter1980 JohnK Johnny2503 johnpat Jolly Jack Dusty Jon Jon Cook jonglew Jonno jonnypb jonshipp JordanL Joshhayton JoshuaPearson00 JoshuaRowe jospee jparussell Jpen11 Jpenson Jpj jrobmedia JSB jtim Jules7 julia Julie & Craig julielaverock Jurassic Parkinsons Just June j_parry k w alty kaneda1965 KaneKnowles Karen bagger F Karen Cook Karencook KARLBARNES kas78 KateandMike Kaye.c kcol Keith Airey Keith Allen keith2707 Keithba1 kenny t kev309 Kevgbl Kevin Alty Kevriney61 kilnergolf Kirsty & Adam Kirstybrien KJB kjmcdon1 kmillb Knoutberry krokus Kstronach LAALVES90 Lakelandphoto Lambo330 lancedavis Lancslad Lapwing LaurenceBrown LBS1961 Les Arcs Les Arcs 4 Les&buzz lewisgmt lhunter376 Lindsay M lindslow Lindsonalds LinFlav Lingmell Linnie Loo linnylou lithosyork littledorit littlemisslakes liz m Liz_N lkd137 lonesome_cowboy_burt Longhoues21 longhouse_21 loradorasmith lorettocourt Lpmac27 lrjackson lynne Lyonheart M6PYG Mac78 Mactat73 Madame cholet Maggie maggieashton Mailinn Mal Grey malc.bird70@gmail.co malky_c MarcF19 Margaret MarieMa Mark Taylor markbenton MarkCarr203 markcarter Markdally Markiebee77 marks MarkUKUS markw1 martin22 martind MartinDo Martinx Martyn maschr Mate1310 Matt murphy matt80097 Matthew McFadzean mattykay Mauro mbc1955 MCar87 mcdonaldjosh1404 Melch melvin Menawethan Mendez5 Merchant mhalsall98 Mhr1952 Michael Windle Michael&Rebecca michael.smethurst Mick R Mick Taylor mick.smethurst mickmuff mickpb mickstgeorge mickw85 micomal midgebait MikeG Mikegraham104 MikeParka MikeS Mikesmith8760 milky Millsy Minto miss munro mluckas mmalone32 Moacky moad212 Mollycat38 MonsterRancidTroll moonbeast moorsman mountain goat mountain walker Mountain00 mountain00b mountaindolphin mountainmarty mountainmary Mrlp90 MrMayze mrsrhiannonpage mrstevewilliams mrtcotton Msandom Muckletooner My Wainwrights NatalieM Neil Neil1955 neilhollis neilypops1982 Nettle Graves Newyork13 ngthack Nic Hutchins Nick Barnard Nick Down Nick Ridley Nick Wakelam Nicks Nigel Moscardini nitroxinstructor Nolan_round2 nordicstar NormanW nzafrica oakesave Ocean Soul ogirl OilaTron oilydavid ollismark orielh Oscar7 oscarben oscardog osian outlawcatcher Outwardbounder214 over the hill owaincaesarius OwainG P-squared PAB2 packman pah800 painterman pape100 Parlick Pat Evans Pat1967 Paul Bateman Paul Boothroyd Paul Lancaster paul.lewis paulbooth88 Paulbrez paulcali66 Paule PaulGwilliam PaulTMStoke PaveyArk pc1406 pdr Peakbagger pearson pedalgrunt PedroThompson Peebs penning81 penny74 Perspex3 PeteBoggs peteh peter bailey Peter Lever Peter Smith PeterD petertennant PGCE Phil Newby Phil Newby (2nd) Phil West philandsam philandtheresa philb philborn PhilClayton PHILGRA Philh68 Philip Rhayader phoebesleath PJ Yue pja pmarsden polly Polly and Jim PopUpPiirate pottsy prenton01 Psh69 pskipper psychocrawler Pyrenees99 ragdoll Rav Rawdogs Ray.w rb renmusa Rescue1953 revicmdivad rfbirch01 rhalstead rhayader_wanderer Rhino48 rhw Rhys Thomas Rich Hawkins Rich Pell Rich1 Richard Cambrian RichardB Richardc richhar1 Richie.Iddon1969 RichTea Rick Brown rmwg ROB PEN Y GARN rob77 RobB robertogario robertphillips Robopog robwalker1265 rockdoctor rockgod Rockhugger100 Ron Smyth Ronald Ronnie Bowron Rooidog rosalind Rose RoseandMartin Rotheramg Rowan.Chesmer rpettit rtaylor runbikeclimb russell61 russell63 Rusty Ruth Sutcliffe RuthBrennan rycurrie Sadie Brown Salknits Sam1522 Samhodson95 SammieDog sammoore SamSara sanhozay Sarahbrown86 sbolingb scaryanimals sclater scoffs2000 Scorpion3698 scottdwhite SEAN WANNOP seany SeanyG sgt_pepper46 shandy Shane ShannonJosh Shaun27 shaun3010 Sheep2482 Shellian shrops shylock1966 Silver Simon simoneason simonlittle simpson Sizzors27 SJD sjr140614 skipper skldenton skyegabbro slateloose SLIGHT Slufter Smeg smith.michaelw snaithd Sophie mcgeough Sorunar spen.thompson spookyfish Spowell Sprog Squirrelly Nutcase stantoon staton75 Stephen DOUGLAS StephenMcMorrow steve Steve Dunlop steve glasper Steve S steve&gill steve63 steveb stevedixon SteveG stevelumbard steven rhodes stevensreeves stevens_simon stevent0809 steverowland stevewaters stick StigoftheNest stravaiger2011 StrollingBones Stu26 stuartmcarthur stuvicks SUE sueg38 SummersHere Summiteer summitsup susanannmyatt swake01 swampysean Syberad tarmachan TarnHows taximan111 Taylorduo TC Tcm Team Chris & Becki Ted Richards Telfer56 thekins thenomad Thermal_Vest&SPF50 thetills TicketyTam Tiffs Tim Hudson Tim Nicholl timdoggart Timus 214 Tintin tithrogel 2011 Tobys tomhunt2005 Tommy tommyboyp tomrobson Tony SRMRT tony.t tonybreo TONYL31 tonymac TonyRog toonsd1983 Topaz Topcat Tracey.Cowell trimarc2 Trolly tryfan ttbiker Tundraboy tuxer tybalt Ulysses UncleChrisEccles underhill urologist vantageman Vickif82 vicki_fletcher Vince 13 Vinmac vinnytarpey Wadey1973 Wainwright's 214 Walker Dan Wanderer WandererBen washaway10 wassock wayne23 WayneMac01 WestoningPaul Wheebs64 wicksey Wigan Bagger wilfsmate wises Woodalls outdoors woollywendi workforce11 Wycombe Wanderer Wyresdale Xinjiang YeadonBantam YorkshirePud ypers yt Zara ziggyTWD zippymk13 zordon zsmith
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