Cold Pike 700.1m (2297ft)
Summit Feature: Cairn perched on tor. (Survey: Abney level/Leica RX1250)
Classification: Birkett, Bridge, Bishop, Buxton-lewis, Elmslie, Falkingham, Fellranger, Frcc, Hewitt, Marsh, Moss2000, Nuttall, Relative-wainwright, Simm, Simpson, Synge, P30 Tump, Wainwright, Wright.
OS Grid Ref: NY262036 (10 figure Grid Ref: NY2628703614).
UK Area: 34 - Lake District - Central & Western Fells (OS Maps 1:50k 89,90. 1:25k OL6N.)
Latitude: 54.4226, Longitude: -3.13758, Height: 700.1 metres (2297 feet)
Prominence: 46.1 metres (151 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0700.H (DoBIH Hill ID: 2422)
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- '0700.H' NY262036 Cold Pike (700m, p46.1)
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Cold Pike's Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
Cold Pike West Top (0.4km)Cold Pike Far West Top (0.7km)Great Knott (0.7km)Pike of Blisco (1.0km)Brown Howe (1.1km)Little Stand (1.3km)Stonesty Pike (1.4km)Crinkle Crags South Top (First Crinkle) (1.6km)Wrynose Fell-Long Crag (1.7km)Crinkle Crags-Third Crinkle (Gunson Knot (1.9km)
Cold Pike's Nearby Routes...
Langdale Horseshoe (Phil Newby) 3 Shire Stone to The Old Dungeon Gyhll (fitfish) Great Langdale Round (tithrogel 2011) 130724 Crinkle Crags Bowfell and Great Langdale (tomrobson) Pike O'Blisco and Crinkle Crags (ninthace) head of Langdale (JohnK) EW045: LD054: W053: T26 - Head of Langdale (Ronnie Bowron) EW080: LD160 - Cold Pike Round (Ronnie Bowron) 190430 Bowfell and Crinkle Crags (tomrobson) Coniston Ridge (Phil Newby)
Cold Pike has been climbed by...
-dogshome1000 1878 5cookie5 67richardsmith absintheur Adam.Bartlett Adnan Khan adoling adrenalinemike Adrian Adrian Cunliffe Adrian Davis AdyGray afoster afrankland alan alan caine alarmingcod alexisb Alison Crawford amalia amblerbob Amelia ameliaehunt Andrew Brown Andy G Andy Sykes andyb1969 andyd Andym692. AndyMoon andyritchie999 andys Angelajmoore Anton Archie areelle Arete Argentum66 arnolwj arrans BadNewsWalking Bagman bailer01 bart93 bat3man beanie BeCaToPo Bella Wella benarbia again benarbia_8 Benji-Fish benlah1977 benny156 benstewart berryk bessyboot2 beyondthefells bfriendly big Al Big Man bigalga1 BigJ Bilbo Bill Honeywell Bill Outdoors Birdy83 Bisquitine bobaffleck1 bobbedybob BobKay bobtyrer bordertman Bowser bradheleni Braefell bramley Braverp Brian Carson brindlite BROOKLEA71 Brunshaw calreddo Cankita captainslow CarolBrown Carole carolje carolml Carrieg catbells catgill CathL Cathy CDillon CearaHayden Chalky1953 charding cherylD Chester Chris Chris Gilbert Chris Jackson Chris Maggs CHRIS MARLAND Chris Pearson Chris Upson Chris2211 chrisd101 chrisfletcher Chrisfry35 ChrisH ChrisInTheNorth chriswatson chris_outdoors chunter citygent CJMD cjo cleasbo33 Climber51 cmarland Col colfie Colin Crawford Colsmith comedydave coppernob corvid_corvid cragratcher Cris Daly cronkingraven Cumbriancyclist curlysam curlysamplanner Cwcawelch cybertench Cyclistno1 D8446492 dan Danemi Danemi2 Dangerous Dave darren-mountains Darren182 dave geere Dave Hall Dave P Dave Parker dave.farrant davemere DaveS Davethebread daveweths daveyf2001 David David Evans david gradwell david.kendall DavidH davidmccay davidwhitelock Davon dbottomley dc11main DeeGee dekker deklan Deltagraham denby12 Denise dennis1955 denzilbell Des Taylor diggs31 djbullp djwaddi dobben57 Dobby doc Doccrichton dogshome DougBurke doug_scott drinki ds1 Dugswell2 Duncan13 dwhiteway Earl Grey edgradwell ednumd Elfmcguinness ElizabethBrown Emma emmatabitha ER Scott eric b EricS1949 Ericthewanderer Exe-Eagle exiles exterrestris Fatboy Fellbobs fellfox FellHobbler ffloss fitfish fitzydan fizzerfox Flutterby Foelbach Fraggle frank mc fred_lyon friarmere funit10 Furth g.sandom g4obk GACJ garrywhite Gavin gcamm gdmefc gedc gemmacolling@rocketm GeoffC Geol_lizzie georgedliston Georgie gerrybowes Gillian Dixon Gina glannon Gman45 godspeedjon77 GolfChick GordonAdshead gordonmott gordouli gouldinj GPH1011 Grahamandterrill Grahame Trudgill Gray grayscottage greaves greg_may_ Griffin GRJackson Gromit grumpybob grumpytyke GSJ6580 H4TH Hannahrunsfar Happywalker1958 Harperp harrison.david69 Harvey Foster Haydn Davies Hazel Robinson hazelrobinson73 Hazzeem025 Hbomb HectorBeadle Hectorfox Helen C hillbasher hillhiker1 HillmanImp hooker128 Houghy Hughes Iain iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines Ian Jackson ian mc Ian Millard Ian Sweet ian52uk ianhandley IanN ianthomas Iggsypoo ij_beds itchy_teeth iwardle iwc J&C j.ingham28 jackfowler jacko1969 Jacqdaw Jacqui H jade jaks JamesBalti jamesfc jamesholloway44 jamesmichaelforrest jamesrobinsonart123 Jane T Janekayley janemottram Jaxfells jazman jbrister Jeanette jeff JenniferP JennyCarson Jersey wanderer JessicaShearing1 Jim.Fothergill Jimbaz317 jimgrant500 jimhartill jimp JK jkldg JL Jo Banks JoanneS Jodyd joe.mw90 John Boy John F lists John Halstead John Neate JohnBeavers JohnC johnevenden johnhunter1980 JohnK Johnny2503 Jolly Jack Dusty Jon Cook jonglew jonnypb JordanL Joshhayton JoshuaPearson00 JoshuaRowe jospee jparussell Jpenson jrobmedia JSB jtim julia Julie & Craig julielaverock Jurassic Parkinsons j_parry kandrews kaneda1965 Karen bagger F Karencook KARLBARNES Kate Leahy KateandMike Kaye.c kcol Keith Allen keith2707 kenny t kev123 kev309 Kevgbl kevmcd300 kilnergolf KirkbyMike kirstyswarbs KJB kjmcdon1 kleida kmillb Knoutberry krokus Kstronach Lakelandphoto lancedavis Lancslad Les Arcs Les Arcs 4 Les&buzz leymr lindslow Lingmell Linnie Loo linnylou lithosyork littledorit littlemisslakes liz m Liz_N lkd137 lonesome_cowboy_burt lorettocourt Lpmac27 Lucille.Corrigan lynne Lyonheart Mac78 Maggie Mailinn malky_c Mally Marc marc1454 MarcF19 Margaret MarieMa Mark Taylor markcarr203 markcarter Markdally Markiebee77 MarkUKUS markw1 martin22 martind MartinDo Martinx Martyn maschr Mate1310 Matt murphy Matthew McFadzean mbc1955 MCar87 mcshane Menawethan Mendez5 mhalsall98 Mhr1952 Michael Windle Mick Taylor mickmuff mickpb mickstgeorge mickw85 midgebait MikeG MikeParka Mikesmith8760 milky Millsy Minto Moacky molliemoo MonsterRancidTroll moonbeast moorsman mountain walker Mountain00 mountain00b mountaindolphin mountainmary Mrlp90 MrMayze MrsST mrstevewilliams mrtcotton Msandom Muckletooner Munroist-283 N.Morters NatalieM Neil Neil1955 neilhollis neilypops1982 Nettle Graves Newyork13 ngthack Nic Hutchins Nick Barnard Nick Down Nick Ridley Nick Wakelam ninthace nitroxinstructor nordicstar NormanW Nsr250 nwjlyons nzafrica oakesave ogirl OliverAllsopp oliverheadlam Ollie0908 ollismark Oscar7 oscarben osian Outwardbounder214 over the hill owaincaesarius OwainG Owlee333 Owleee P-squared PAB2 packman painterman pape100 Parlick Pat Evans Pat1967 patdhill Paul Bateman Paul Boothroyd paulbooth88 Paulbrez paulcali66 PaulTMStoke pc1406 pdr Peebs penning81 penny74 Perspex3 PeteBoggs peteh peter bailey Peter Lever Peter Smith PeterD PeterTennant PGCE Phil Newby Phil Newby (2nd) philandtheresa philb philborn PhilClayton Philh68 Philip Rhayader phoebe.sleath phoebesleath PJ Yue PM pmarsden polly Polly and Jim Povey prenton01 Psh69 pskipper psychocrawler Pyrenees99 ragdoll Rav Rawdogs Ray.w Razza1244 rb RCPugh revicmdivad rfbirch01 rhalstead rhayader_wanderer rhw Rhys Thomas rich.3001 RichardB richhar1 Richie.Iddon1969 RichTea Rich_Salt Rick Brown ROB PEN Y GARN rob77 RobB robertphillips Robopog rockdoctor rockgod Rockhugger100 Ron Smyth Ronnie Bowron Rooidog rosalind Rose RoseandMartin Rowan.Chesmer rpettit rtaylor runbikeclimb russell61 russell63 Rusty RVFoster Sam1522 Samhodson95 sammoore SamSara Sanderlad sanhozay sbolingb scoffs2000 scottdwhite SEAN WANNOP seany SeanyG Shane shaun1973 Shaun27 shaun3010 shutty simoneason simonlittle simpson skipper skldenton skyegabbro sliw76 Smeg Smigguel snaithd SodBoy Sped spookyfish Sprog Squirrelly Nutcase stantoon staton75 steve steve glasper Steve S steve&gill stevedixon SteveG steven rhodes stevens_simon stevent0809 stick StigoftheNest Stoney stravaiger2011 StrollingBones Stu26 stuartmcarthur Summiteer summitsup susanannmyatt swake01 Syberad tarmachan TarnHows Taylorduo Taz15591 Tcm Ted Richards tgchc thekins thenomad ThePhilster Thermal_Vest&SPF50 TicketyTam tim hersey Tim Hudson Tim Nicholl timdoggart Timus 214 Tired Old Dude tithrogel 2011 Tommy tommyboyp tomnsgraham tomrobson Tony SRMRT tonybreo TONYL31 tonymac TonyRog Topaz Topcat Tracey.Cowell trimarc2 tryfan Tundraboy twiggymate tybalt u317 UncleChrisEccles urologist vantageman Vickif82 vicksey22 Vinmac vinnytarpey Wadey1973 Wainwright's 214 Walker Dan walker10 Walking Fanatic Wanderer wardlinney WasdaleWanderer washaway10 wassock wayne23 WayneMac01 Wendysian67 WestoningPaul Wheebs64 wicksey Wigan Bagger wilfsmate Woodalls outdoors woollywendi workforce workforce11 Wycombe Wanderer Wyresdale YeadonBantam YorkshirePud yt Zara ziggyTWD zippymk13
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