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All Details & GPS Waypoint

Rombalds Moor (Ilkley Moor) 402.5m (1320ft)

Summit Feature: Ground by trig point. Note: highest contenders may be 8m NW and 10m N of trig point. (Survey: Abney level)
Classification: Hill Trigpoint, Befour, Britfour, Clem, Four, Hump, Marilyn, NHToEW, P30 Tump.
OS Grid Ref: SE114452 (10 figure Grid Ref: SE1146845224).
UK Area: 35 - The Central Pennines (OS Maps 1:50k 104. 1:25k 297.)
Latitude: 53.90307, Longitude: -1.82694, Height: 402.5 metres (1320 feet)
Prominence: 245 metres (804 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0403.P (DoBIH Hill ID: 2804)

Associated Trigpoint:
  TP5117 'Rombalds Moor' Grid Ref: SE1146845223 Separation: 1m from Hill grid ref.

Associated Child Hill(s):
   Baildon Hill (282m, p68);    Barlow Mound (40m, p35);    Billing Hill (233m, p37);    Brayton Barff (52m, p43);    Burley Moor (342m, p1);    Garforth Cliff (104m, p37);    Hambleton Hough (46m, p34);    Haw Park (244m, p72);    Haw Pike (252m, p35);    Rawden Hill (109m, p35);    Skipton Moor (373m, p137);    The Chevin (282m, p144);    Tinshill Moor (198m, p47);

External Links for Rombalds Moor (Ilkley Moor):
-GeoHack link... -OS Map Bing link... -Google Map link... -Geograph link... -Rombalds Moor (Ilkley Moor) on -Rombalds Moor on

Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

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Rombalds Moor (Ilkley Moor) List & GPS Waypoints:

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  • '0403.P' SE114452 Rombalds Moor (Ilkley Moor) (403m, p245)

Member's Comments on Rombalds Moor (Ilkley Moor)...

  • Sillipops says...
  • Here and in good condition. New stone path up to it from SE138451. May 2020
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Rombalds Moor (Ilkley Moor) has been climbed by...

Adam Smith Adrian Adrian Cunliffe agentmancuso alan caine Alex C amblerbob Andrew Brown Andy West andyd andys Anton arc73 Archie Areluctant-triggeR bailer01 Barry Smith beckybags BobRob47 bramley Brunshaw buspass bwm Carole carolje cavercarol Chalky1953 charlesc Cheshire Claret Chris Pearson Chris Upson chrisbrearley chriswatson citygent cjo clochandighter Colin Crawford Conrad craftinessa Crumblie2 dan Dangerous Dave DanHolme DanHolme1977 DanTrig Dave Parker dave.farrant DaveS David Evans david gradwell David Kershaw deegan DeeGee Denise Des Taylor Dipstickk DirtbagRunnersE&W Dugswell2 Duke1 Earby Rambler edgradwell EdS eigerman emmatabitha Ericthewanderer Fellrunner61 fitzydan flippsy franw416 Gardentiger gee-bee GeoffC Georgie gerrybowes gibbo gimmer glynspencer Gman45 godspeedjon77 GordonAdshead Graney2513 greg_may_ Griefmiester Guanajuato Hands hannah1 harpmonk hillbasher hillhiker1 HillmanImp hmarston iaindbrown IainT Ian Baines iwardle iwc Jacqdaw Jane T Jim.Fothergill jimp johnbamforth JohnC johnevenden Johnny2503 Jon Tuttle jonglew jospee JSB Jurassic Parkinsons Karen Nash kazlou kevandjean KevPalmer Knoutberry Lindsay M Liz_N lonesome_cowboy_burt Mac.Hawk ManofKernow Margaret MarkCarr203 MarkUKUS Martyn mats MenhirWanderer Minto Moacky Moore100 moorsman Mossylea Mountain00 N.Morters nchester ngthack Nick Down Nick Wakelam nordicstar NormanW oakesave ogirl oscarben OwainG painterman Paul Boothroyd Peebs PeteBoggs PeterD PeterTennant PGCE Phil Newby PJ Yue PM polly Pritch227 psychocrawler rhalstead rhayader_wanderer rhbentley rhw RichardJonesRuns richhar1 RichTea RobB robertphillips rockdoctor rogreeves Ronnie Bowron russell61 russell63 Rusty SeanyG Shane shaun3010 slateloose snaithd Sprog srichy20 staton75 Steve S stevedixon SteveG stevensreeves stevent0809 StigoftheNest Summiteer summitsup supersaint supertrampz swampysean s_mudd1 teamworkluke Ted Richards Teigan tgrs The RockKnocker thenomad Thirskie07 TonyRog Topofthemoor trimarc2 Trudge.Tracey tundraboy vegibagger Walker Dan wrose Wycombe Wanderer Zara


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