Win Hill 463.4m (1520ft)
Summit Feature: Outcrop 12m WSW of trig point. (Survey: obvious summit/Leica RX1250)
Classification: Hill Trigpoint, Befour, Britfour, Clem, Ethel, Four, Hump, NHToEW, Peak-district-75, Sub-marilyn, P30 Tump.
OS Grid Ref: SK186850 (10 figure Grid Ref: SK1866785090).
UK Area: 36 - Lancashire, Cheshire & the Southern Pennines (OS Maps 1:50k 110. 1:25k OL1E.)
Latitude: 53.36237, Longitude: -1.72096, Height: 463.4 metres (1520 feet)
Prominence: 144 metres (472 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0463.p (DoBIH Hill ID: 2818)
Associated Trigpoint:
TP6433 'Winhill Pike' Grid Ref: SK1867885093 Separation: 11m from Hill grid ref.
External Links for Win Hill:
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Data courtesy of the Database of British and Irish Hills
Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey
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Win Hill List & GPS Waypoints:
Climbed Win Hill? Log in to tick it off...
- '0463.p' SK186850 Win Hill (463m, p144)
Member's Comments on Win Hill...
- Nick Wakelam says...
- Walked from Hope village
- Chris Pearson says...
- One of the central Dark Peak Hills 0ften done at the start or end of big day out e.g Edale skyline-with its long runable ridge linking to Kinder. Today done in rain (July) with Rob as during a 4 hour OMM training run from Hope, after Lose Hill.
- Summiteer says...
- Visited this for the first time in 1983, during an attempt to do the Derwent Watershed Walk. Unfortunately the weather was atrocious, with heavy rain, thick mist and very strong winds, and I ended up abandoning it two thirds of the way round, near Margery Hill. Still walked 35 miles though, and it was the perfect preparation for the Yorkshire Three Peaks, a few weeks later, which I completed in even worse conditions. Win Hill is a great viewpoint though, and well worth a visit, preferably when the sun is shining.
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Win Hill's Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
Crook Hill (2.1km)Bamford Moor (2.5km)The Folly (2.9km)Bridge-end Pasture (3.0km)Lose Hill (3.4km)High Neb (4.1km)Shatton Edge (Burton Bole) (4.4km)Barker Bank (4.8km)Durham Edge (5.7km)Abney Low (5.9km)
Win Hill's Nearby Routes...
Winhill Pike, Dark Peak (Woodford Walkers) White and Dark Peak - Hope and Harthersage (hillybilly) Edale, Castleton, Peak Forest and Blue John Cavern - Peak Di (hillybilly) White Peak Way - Peak District (bobwwalker) PD059 - Win Hill (Ronnie Bowron) Ladybower and Bamford Moors - Hope Valley and Harthersage (hillybilly) Bamford, Castleton, Bradwell and Edale (hillybilly)
Win Hill has been climbed by...
1st-Ade 2planks Adrian afellrunner alan caine Alex C Alexhew Amanda Amanda & Simon amblerbob Andrew Beavers Andrew Brown andrewcoles andyb2706 andyd AndyKDQ andys Anton arc73 Archie archiebald7 areelle Areluctant-triggeR Argentum66 Barry Smith Beeliner Beerdave bigalga1 bob156123 bobwwalker bramley brooli BUSPASS bwm campbell3646 Carole carolje casasuzy Chalky1953 Chelseadoughty Cheshire Claret Chris Hartley Chris Pearson chrisd101 chriswatson CHUBT0007 citygent cjo ckyliu clochandighter cmp1951 Col Colin Crawford CraigH Crumblie2 dancingqueen101 Dangerous Dave DanHolme DanHolme1977 DanTrig Dave Hall Dave Scown DaveJones David Evans David Gradwell David Kershaw dazedemon DeeGee Denise Des Taylor Dipstickk DirtbagRunnersE&W dscow DScown Dugswell2 Earby Rambler edgradwell emmatabitha ER Scott Fellrunner61 fitzydan Foelbach franw416 Frickley Man gedc GeoffC GeoRams gerrybowes Gherardir gibbo glynspencer GordonAdshead GPH1011 greg_may_ greywalker Griefmiester Grizzly.Adventures HenryHooverOnTour hillybilly hmarston iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines inbred71 IsaacP itchy-trigger-finder iwc jackfowler Jacqdaw jaks jamuss01 Jane S Jane T jbrister Jemima JK JoanneS joelrobinson27 Johnny Bear jonglew JSB Jurassic Parkinsons Kallum B Karen Nash kazlou KevPalmer KJB Knoutberry latics LBS1961 lomy lonesome_cowboy_burt Mal Grey ManofKernow Margaret markbarrett1976 Martin Whiteley marting maschr Matt murphy Melissa2521 mike7mike Moira293 moorsman Mossylea Mountain Goat NEWSMITHY ngthack Nick Wakelam nickwoffenden nordicstar oakesave Ocean Soul ogirl Old Bald Man Oscar7 outlawcatcher OwainG painterman Paul Boothroyd peakdistrict PeteBoggs PeteMatthews PeterD PGCE Phil Newby philandtheresa PM polly poppypj PopUpPiirate Pritch227 PShrub psychocrawler rdcawkwell RedmondG Rhino48 rhw Rhys Thomas Richard Gunn Richie.Iddon1969 Ripleyman Rob Metcalf robertogario rocie rogreeves RoMeR ronlayters Ronnie Bowron Rusty SamAndSnoop scaffade sclater seafisher1 SeanyG shaun3010 Shellian SimonW slateloose Snowdon staton75 stevedixon SteveG stevent0809 steverowland stuvicks Summiteer summitsup supersaint supertrampz Taff teamworkluke Ted Richards tgrs The RockKnocker THE SNAPPERS The Trudges thenomad Tim Day timday Timwat1 tommyboyp tony.colson Trekkie trimarc2 Trudge.Tracey vicksey22 walking1 wassock WayneMac01 Weathereagle Woodford Walkers wrose Wycombe Wanderer yeovilwestie yt Zara Zenabob2105 zsmith _saxobeat_
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Data courtesy of the Database of British and Irish Hills