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All Details & GPS Waypoint

Mellbreak North Top 509m (1670ft)

Summit Feature: Pile of stones. Note: pile of stones 35m NE at NY 14327 19495 is 40cm lower. (Survey: Abney level)
Classification: Dodd, Birkett, Deacon, Dewey, Relative-wainwright, Synge, P30 Tump.
OS Grid Ref: NY143194 (10 figure Grid Ref: NY1430219468).
UK Area: 34 - Lake District - Central & Western Fells (OS Maps 1:50k 89. 1:25k OL4S.)
Latitude: 54.56316, Longitude: -3.32684, Height: 509 metres (1670 feet)
Prominence: 63.3 metres (208 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0509.b (DoBIH Hill ID: 3572)

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Data courtesy of the Database of British and Irish Hills

Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

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  • '0509.b' NY143194 Mellbreak North Top (509m, p63.3)

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1st-Ade Ackrell adoling Adrian Adrian Cunliffe AdyGray afrankland alan caine amalia amblerbob ameliaehunt Andrew Brown andyd andyritchie999 andys Anton Archie bailer01 beckybags benarbia_8 BigJ Bilbo Bill Honeywell bramley brindlite Brunshaw captainslow carl studholme Carole carolje carolml catgill CathL CDillon Chalky1953 Chefyfay Chris Jackson Chris Pearson Chris2211 chrisd101 Chrisfry35 chriswatson citygent cjo Colin Crawford comedydave corvid_corvid cragratcher dan Danemi Danemi2 Dangerous Dave dave geere Dave McG DaveS David david gradwell David Kershaw Deltagraham Denise Des Taylor dingo2uk doc dogshome DougBurke Dugswell2 edgradwell Ednewcome ER Scott Ericthewanderer funit10 gedc gemmacolling@rocketm GeoffC gerrybowes Gillian Dixon GordonAdshead GPH1011 Grahamandterrill H4TH hillbasher HochMcGandy iaindbrown IainT Ian Baines Ian Millard iwardle iwc jackdee98 jackmignall@hotmail. Jacqui H jade jaks jamesfc Jane T Jeanette JenniferP Jim.Fothergill jimgrant500 jimhartill John Boy John Halstead JohnC jonglew jospee Jpj Julia julielaverock j_parry Karen bagger F KateandMike Kaye.c kenny t Kevgbl kilnergolf KJB kleida kmillb krokus Lakelandphoto leemoore76 Les Arcs Lindsay M Lisaslf lithosyork Liz_N lonesome_cowboy_burt lorettocourt lynne Mac78 Maggie Margaret Mark Taylor MarkCarr203 marks MarkUKUS Martyn Matt murphy Matthew McFadzean Merchant Mhr1952 Michael Windle mickstgeorge midgebait MikeParka milky Mollycat38 moonbeast moorsman Mountain Goat Mountain00 Mrlp90 Nettle Graves Newyork13 ngthack Nick Down Nick Wakelam nordicstar NormanW nzafrica oakesave ollismark oscarben outlawcatcher owaincaesarius painterman Parlick Paul Boothroyd pedalgrunt Peebs PeteBoggs PeterD PGCE Phil Newby philandsam philandtheresa PhilB Philip Rhayader PJ Yue PM polly rb rhalstead rhw RichardB Richie.Iddon1969 RichTea rob77 RobB robertphillips Robopog rockdoctor Rockhugger100 Ronnie Bowron Rooidog roryr_32 Rosalind russell61 Rusty sammoore scoffs2000 SEAN WANNOP SeanyG shaun3010 Simon simonlittle skldenton Smeg snaithd Sprog staton75 Steve S stevedixon SteveG steven rhodes stevent0809 StrollingBones summitsup Susie tarmachan TarnHows Tcm thenomad Thermal_Vest&SPF50 Tim Nicholl timdoggart Timus 214 tithrogel 2011 Tommy tommyboyp tomrobson TonyRog Topcat Tracey.Cowell Trolly Tundraboy UncleChrisEccles vicki_fletcher Vinmac Walker Dan Wanderer wassock WayneMac01 Wheebs64 Wycombe Wanderer Wyresdale yt


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Data courtesy of the Database of British and Irish Hills


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