How Hill 407.68m (1337ft)
Classification: YoMP.
OS Grid Ref: SE000846 (10 figure Grid Ref: SE0007884608).
UK Area: 35 - The Central Pennines (OS Maps )
Latitude: 54.25715, Longitude: -2.00029, Height: 407.68 metres (1337 feet)
Prominence: 12.81 metres (42 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0408.- (Hill ID: 509640)
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Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey
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- '0408.-' SE000846 How Hill (408m, p12.8)
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How Hill's Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
Forelands Rigg (0.3km)Wassett Fell End (0.5km)Wasset Fell (1.6km)North Tarn Hills (2.7km)Cumma Knowe (3.8km)Denman's Hill (4.0km)Lady Hill (5.1km)Penhill (5.4km)Ivy Scar (5.9km)Busk Moss (6.1km)
How Hill's Nearby Routes...
20170611 Forelands Rigg and Walden Beck (Ronnie Bowron) Buckden to Thorlby Route (Phil Newby) YD242: YKS853 - Wasset Fell Round (Ronnie Bowron)
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