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The Huws Details & GPS Waypoint

The Huws - 100 great Welsh hills under 2,000ft

  • More information on UKH
  • More information on Mapping Mountains
    Data courtesy of Alex Cameron, John Gillham, Myrddyn Phillips, Adrian Rayner, Mark Trengove and Rob Woodall.

  • Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

    :The Huws | :Nearby Hill | :Nearby Trigpoint | : mouseover

    Moel Morfydd (Llantysilio Mountain) List & GPS Waypoints:

    Climbed Moel Morfudd? Log in to tick it off...

    • '0550.p' SJ159457 Moel Morfudd (550m, p114.9)

    Member's Comments on Moel Morfudd...



    Moel Morfudd has been climbed by...

    Adrian alan caine Alex C Andrew Brown andyb2706 andyd andys Anton beckybags beedeedee Big Diesel bramley Carole casewe26 Chalky1953 Chris Pearson chrisd101 chriswatson Colin Crawford Dangerous Dave DanTrig dave-harris david gradwell Denise Des Taylor Droenna Dugswell2 edgradwell Erwynj GeoffC geralddavison gerrybowes GordonAdshead GrandeQueso Haydn Davies Hippster hmarston Howie iaindbrown IainT Ian Baines jimgrant500 jonglew jpharvey Leszek Liz_N mad max Mal Grey malcorbett ManofKernow N.Morters ngthack nordicstar NormanW oakesave painterman Parlick PeterD PGCE Phil Newby PM Polaroid RDK rhalstead Rhino48 rhw Richard Gunn RichTea ronlayters Ronnie Bowron SeanyG sheilaryder shrops SJD slateloose Sleepwalker snaithd Sprog staton75 Steve S stevent0809 StigoftheNest Summiteer summitsup Ted Richards tgrs thelonious thenomad thomas Tony J underhill Walker Dan walking1 WayneMac01 Wycombe Wanderer Young Albert yt Zara


    Total = 1 The Huws


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