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The Huws Details & GPS Waypoint

The Huws - 100 great Welsh hills under 2,000ft

  • More information on UKH
  • More information on Mapping Mountains
    Data courtesy of Alex Cameron, John Gillham, Myrddyn Phillips, Adrian Rayner, Mark Trengove and Rob Woodall.

  • Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

    :The Huws | :Nearby Hill | :Nearby Trigpoint | : mouseover

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    1st-Ade Adrian Alex C andys Ann@Birdbrook Anton beckybags board Carole Chalky1953 chriswatson Colin Crawford danMaisiebex david gradwell edgradwell Erwynj gerrybowes GordonAdshead Hill Bagger Howie iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines Keith Allen Liz_N ManofKernow oakesave outlawcatcher Parlick PGCE Phil Newby RDK rhalstead rhw RichTea Ronnie Bowron Sleepwalker snaithd static266 staton75 Steffan Steve S stevent0809 summitsup thenomad underhill winerwalker Wycombe Wanderer yt


    Total = 1 The Huws

    Mountain Tables: Tables of the mountain and hill summits of England and Wales by Micheal Dewey

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