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Trigpoint data contributed by John Davis, and further developed by Trigpointing UK
Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey
Map Legend: :TrigpointsOS Area SX Trigpoint:
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Sort this list by: Name | Height | Popularity |
- 'TP0025' SX989881 Addlepool (53m)
- 'TP0139' SX403837 Ashleigh (190m)
- 'TP0176' SX505576 Austin Fort (96m)
- 'TP0226' SX625962 Ball Farm (258m)
- 'TP0346' SX858620 Beacon Hill (196m)
- 'TP0373' SX798559 Beenleigh (147m)
- 'TP0375' SX814401 Beeson (110m)
- 'TP0490' SX696729 Bel Tor (354m)
- 'TP0493' SX644764 Bellever Tor (444m)
- 'TP0576' SX455669 Bere Alston Reservoir
- 'TP0582' SX945565 Berry Head (60m)
- 'TP0615' SX824919 Bilsdon (198m)
- 'TP0617' SX275576 Bin Down (200m)
- 'TP0789' SX536577 Boringdon (113m)
- 'TP0805' SX820807 Bowden (260m)
- 'TP0823' SX388802 Bradstone Barton (198m)
- 'TP0860' SX189821 Bray Down (347m)
- 'TP0875' SX703616 Brent Hill (311m)
- 'TP0966' SX196726 Brown Gelly (338m)
- 'TP0972' SX158799 Brown Willy (420m)
- 'TP0976' SX749629 Brownston Farm (201m)
- 'TP1018' SX443577 Budeaux Camp
- 'TP1064' SX949777 Burrows Resr (123m)
- 'TP1075' SX192593 Bury Down (209m)
- 'TP1089' SX655586 Butterdon (365m)
- 'TP1177' SX273707 Caradon Hill (370m)
- 'TP1181' SX089686 Cardinham Lodge (197m)
- 'TP1293' SX483957 Castle Field (280m)
- 'TP1333' SX636914 Cawsand Hill (551m)
- 'TP1501' SX505489 Cliff Road (97m)
- 'TP1520' SX270930 Clubworthy (184m)
- 'TP1531' SX996931 Clyst Honiton (33m)*
- 'TP1656' SX090871 Condolden Barrow (308m)
- 'TP1666' SX903912 Constitutional Hill (71m)
- 'TP1738' SX909789 Court Bottom (220m)
- 'TP1758' SX530761 Cox Tor (442m)
- 'TP1766' SX368539 Crafthole (100m)
- 'TP1818' SX592712 Cramber Tor (446m)
- 'TP1821' SX738889 Cranbrook Castle (337m)
- 'TP1826' SX186958 Crapps Beacon (180m)
- 'TP1903' SX765945 Cross Farm (218m)
- 'TP1925' SX486591 Crown Hill Fort (137m)
- 'TP2006' SX911654 Daison Rock (87m)
- 'TP2080' SX730579 Diptford (185m)
- 'TP2083' SX167989 Dizzard Point (165m)
- 'TP2090' SX001393 Dodman (114m)
- 'TP2104' SX538557 Dorsmouth Rock (96m)
- 'TP2121' SX695918 Drascombe (275m)
- 'TP2257' SX729823 Easdon Tor (439m)
- 'TP2266' SX760432 East Charleton (104m)*
- 'TP2279' SX595938 East Hill (349m)
- 'TP2291' SX354926 East Panson (176m)
- 'TP2292' SX727370 East Sewer (132m)
- 'TP2306' SX924668 Easterfield (129m)
- 'TP2323' SX514566 Efford Fort (79m)
- 'TP2324' SX500580 Egg Buckland Fort (109m)*
- 'TP2389' SX903949 Exwick Barton (73m)
- 'TP2555' SX689552 Fowelscombe (182m)
- 'TP2561' SX226785 Fox Tor (323m)
- 'TP2582' SX894531 Furland (179m)
- 'TP2583' SX780458 Fursdon (149m)
- 'TP2597' SX479858 Galford Down (255m)
- 'TP2603' SX878650 Gallows Gate Resr (157m)
- 'TP2659' SX503811 Gibbet Hill (353m)
- 'TP2717' SX328642 Goodmerry (155m)
- 'TP2753' SX915542 Grattery (149m)
- 'TP2770' SX912679 Great Hill Resr (181m)
- 'TP2774' SX550867 Great Links (587m)
- 'TP2893' SX753682 Halsworthy (189m)
- 'TP2904' SX703805 Hameldown Tor (530m)
- 'TP2913' SX425656 Hanging Cliff (60m)
- 'TP2921' SX200507 Hard Head (134m)
- 'TP2997' SX141755 Hawks Tor (307m)
- 'TP3023' SX520986 Heath Moor (193m)
- 'TP3042' SX062615 Helman Tor (210m)
- 'TP3045' SX839525 Hemborough (195m)
- 'TP3046' SX570581 Hemerdon Ball (212m)
- 'TP3052' SX630572 Henlake Down (213m)
- 'TP3142' SX369975 Higher Broadpark (181m)
- 'TP3144' SX563532 Higher Hareston (103m)
- 'TP3164' SX846721 Highweek Resr (100m)
- 'TP3171' SX952929 Hill Barton (48m)
- 'TP3328' SX890580 Hook Hills (73m)*
- 'TP3408' SX000680 Hustyn Barrow (184m)
- 'TP3409' SX196690 Hut Circle Camp (282m)
- 'TP3428' SX817734 Ingsdon Burn (186m)
- 'TP3525' SX252749 Kilmar Tor (390m)
- 'TP3541' SX476771 Kilworthy (228m)
- 'TP3561' SX888673 Kingskerswell Resr (103m)
- 'TP3572' SX443576 Kinterbury
- 'TP3585' SX375713 Kit Hill (334m)
- 'TP3632' SX874892 Knowle Hill (219m)
- 'TP3665' SX377613 Landrake (119m)
- 'TP3667' SX434620 Landulph (61m)
- 'TP3670' SX273832 Lane End Field (210m)
- 'TP3704' SX349829 Lawhitton (156m)*
- 'TP3725' SX602644 Lee Moor (493m)
- 'TP3776' SX916752 Little Haldon (247m)
- 'TP3944' SX535944 Maddaford (264m)
- 'TP4121' SX695861 Meldon Hill (390m)
- 'TP4137' SX281655 Merrymeet (160m)
- 'TP4251' SX936887 Monklands (50m)
- 'TP4305' SX662449 Mount Folly (116m)
- 'TP4431' SX327554 Narkurs Resr (151m)
- 'TP4531' SX578742 North Hessary Tor (517m)
- 'TP4599' SX494536 Old Stack (33m)
- 'TP4625' SX435755 Ottery (177m)
- 'TP4652' SX314610 Padderbury (129m)
- 'TP4659' SX923952 Panorama (158m)
- 'TP4722' SX210549 Pelynt (156m)
- 'TP4743' SX152510 Pencarrow Head (137m)
- 'TP4752' SX229615 Penhale (169m)
- 'TP4764' SX599629 Penn Beacon (428m)
- 'TP4804' SX317884 Peppershill (144m)*
- 'TP4812' SX924663 Petit Tor (112m)
- 'TP4879' SX584474 Pool (108m)
- 'TP4889' SX751381 Portlemouth (133m)*
- 'TP4905' SX780375 Prawle (140m)
- 'TP4911' SX629537 Preston (147m)
- 'TP4933' SX948910 Pynes Hill (61m)
- 'TP4939' SX802673 Quarry Beacon (142m)
- 'TP4967' SX418801 Ramsdown Plantation (285m)
- 'TP5021' SX459557 Redoubt (70m)
- 'TP5031' SX538469 Revelstoke (112m)
- 'TP5078' SX575667 Ringmoor Down (351m)
- 'TP5081' SX746755 Rippon Tor (476m)
- 'TP5087' SX776517 Ritson Brake (216m)
- 'TP5100' SX506641 Roborough Down (199m)
- 'TP5131' SX071590 Roselath (212m)
- 'TP5176' SX659690 Ryders Hill (516m)
- 'TP5178' SX845691 Rydonball Resr (130m)
- 'TP5229' SX886632 Scadson (121m)
- 'TP5245' SX625467 Scobbiscombe (116m)
- 'TP5322' SX558632 Shaugh Moor (305m)
- 'TP7003' SX870614 Smallcombe Cross *
- 'TP5468' SX543898 Sourton Tors (440m)
- 'TP5480' SX655486 South Langston (145m)
- 'TP5530' SX419710 St Anns (214m)
- 'TP5533' SX130709 St Bellarmins Tor (269m)
- 'TP5539' SX405530 St John (117m)
- 'TP5544' SX878618 St Marys Resr Paignton (108m)
- 'TP5551' SX496518 Staddon Fort (125m)
- 'TP5647' SX287548 Struddick (157m)
- 'TP5766' SX931709 The Beacon (170m)
- 'TP5865' SX403939 Thorndon (209m)
- 'TP5884' SX653625 Three Barrows (461m)
- 'TP5949' SX909644 Tor Hill (64m)
- 'TP5987' SX313784 Trecarrell (186m)
- 'TP5990' SX038684 Tregainlands (117m)
- 'TP5991' SX250868 Tregearedown (219m)
- 'TP5995' SX048779 Trelill Beacon (161m)
- 'TP6001' SX134931 Tresparrett Down (261m)
- 'TP6005' SX147884 Trewannion Down (308m)
- 'TP6011' SX774594 Tristford (165m)
- 'TP6080' SX500565 Unity (99m)*
- 'TP6120' SX865946 Waddles Down (249m)
- 'TP6136' SX705658 Wallaford Down (291m)
- 'TP6137' SX787485 Wallaton (184m)
- 'TP6139' SX932650 Walls Hill (86m)
- 'TP6142' SX484717 Walreddon (172m)
- 'TP6155' SX194904 Warbstow (257m)
- 'TP6226' SX525514 Wembury (110m)
- 'TP6262' SX787863 Westcott Farm (336m)
- 'TP6353' SX469603 Whitleigh (101m)*
- 'TP6373' SX117808 Widewalls (263m)
- 'TP6408' SX876623 Windmill Golf Course (152m)
- 'TP6415' SX853593 Windmill Hill (165m)
- 'TP6468' SX602511 Wonwell (120m)
- 'TP6545' SX580901 Yes Tor (619m)
- * The Trigpoints shown in grey italics may have been reported missing or destroyed
Total = 169 Trigpoints in OS Area SX , including 10 reported missing or destroyed