English Supersummits - Hills over 300m, and at least 15km from the nearest higher ground.
The Supersummits are from an article 'Backyard Everests' by Bernard Beal, published in The Great Outdoors (May 1997 issue of TGO).
Hensbarrow Beacon has been supplanted by the adjacent landscaped spoil mound, and Beacon Hill is named Trelleck Hill on Beal's original list.
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Supersummit List & GPS Waypoints:
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Sort this list by: Name | Height | Popularity | Prominence | Significance
- '0324.P' ST484573 Beacon Batch (324m, p234)
- '0600.B' SD135854 Black Combe (600m, p361)
- '0541.P' SO593867 Brown Clee Hill (541m, p374)
- '0420.P' SX158799 Brown Willy (420m, p322)
- '0330.P' SO996245 Cleeve Hill (330m, p237)
- '0893.H' NY687343 Cross Fell (893m, p649)
- '0520.P' SS891415 Dunkery Beacon (520m, p414)
- '0716.H' SD848972 Great Shunner Fell (716m, p295)
- '0704.H' SE002739 Great Whernside (704m, p288)
- '0313.-' SW996575 Hensbarrow Beacon (313m, p6)
- '0622.H' SX580892 High Willhays (622m, p537)
- '0636.H' SK084875 Kinder Scout (636m, p496)
- '0603.P' NY625997 Peel Fell (603m, p194)
- '0557.P' SD804414 Pendle Hill (557m, p395)
- '0978.H' NY215072 Scafell Pike (978m, p912)
- '0520.P' NY601809 Sighty Crag (520m, p297)
- '0930.H' NY260290 Skiddaw (930m, p705)
- '0316.P' ST240166 Staple Hill (316m, p213)
- '0537.P' SO367986 Stiperstones (537m, p357)
- '0816.H' NT907205 The Cheviot (816m, p557)
- '0407.P' SJ628081 The Wrekin (407m, p310)
- '0455.P' NZ594015 Urra Moor-Round Hill (455m, p409)
- '0316.P' SO942798 Walton Hill (316m, p212)
- '0562.P' SD591587 Ward’s Stone (562m, p400)
- '0737.H' SD738815 Whernside (737m, p408)
- '0457.P' SD659149 Winter Hill (457m, p215)
- '0425.P' SO768452 Worcestershire Beacon (425m, p335)
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alan caine Andrew Brown andys Carole Chalky1953 Chris Pearson Chris Upson chriswatson Colin Crawford Conrad david gradwell Denise Des Taylor Dugswell2 Fasgadh GordonAdshead iaindbrown IainT Jim.Fothergill jonglew nordicstar NormanW oakesave painterman PeterD PGCE PM rhw RichTea snaithd Sprog stevent0809
Total = 27 Supersummits in England