Black Combe 600.2m (1969ft)
Summit Feature: Ground on W side of shelter 8m W of trig point. Note: ground 20m SSW at SD 13534 85471 is of equal height. (Survey: Abney level)
Classification: Hill Trigpoint, Birkett, Bishop, Clem, Dewey, Docharty, Fellranger, Frcc, Hump, Marilyn, Marsh, Separate, Simm, SuperSummit, Synge, Trail100, P30 Tump, Wainwright-vol-8.
OS Grid Ref: SD135854 (10 figure Grid Ref: SD1354185486).
UK Area: 34 - Southern Cumbria (OS Maps 1:50k 96. 1:25k OL6S.)
Latitude: 54.25772, Longitude: -3.3287, Height: 600.2 metres (1969 feet)
Prominence: 361 metres (1184 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0600.B (DoBIH Hill ID: 2646)
Associated Trigpoint:
TP0655 'Black Combe' Grid Ref: SD1354985488 Separation: 8m from Hill grid ref.
Associated Child Hill(s):
Black Combe South Top (588m, p8); Brocklebank Wood (117m, p52); Gray Stones (396m, p6); Gutterby Banks (55m, p11); Hook Knot (171m, p33); Knott Hill (281m, p75); Lowscales Bank (173m, p37); Lowscales Hill (191m, p146); Midlow Hill (96m, p47); Millom Park (177m, p51); Nan Hill (55m, p37); Raven Crag (376m, p1); Stoupdale Head (472m, p25); The Hawes (49m, p34); White Combe (417m, p4); White Hall Knott (311m, p19);
External Links for Black Combe:
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Data courtesy of the Database of British and Irish Hills
Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey
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- '0600.B' SD135854 Black Combe (600m, p361)
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Black Combe's Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
Black Combe South Top (0.3km)White Hall Knott (2.0km)White Combe (2.1km)Stoupdale Head (2.5km)Hook Knot (2.8km)Nan Hill (3.1km)Gray Stones (3.1km)Lowscales Bank (3.4km)Gutterby Banks (3.5km)Brocklebank Wood (3.8km)
Black Combe's Nearby Routes...
Black Combe (Phil Newby) EW051: LD080: D27: T27 - Cirque of Black Combe (Ronnie Bowron)
Black Combe has been climbed by...
5cookie5 Adam.Bartlett adoling Adrian afrankland alan caine amalia amblerbob Andrew Brown andrewheth andyd andyritchie999 andys Anton Archie Areluctant-triggeR Argentum66 bailer01 Barry Smith beckybags benarbia_8 beyondthefells bigalga1 Bill Honeywell Bill Outdoors bramley brindlite Brunshaw buspass Carole carolje carolml Carrieg Cath59 Chalky1953 Cheshire Claret Chris Jackson Chris Pearson Chris Upson chrisd101 Chrisfry35 christiancityfan chriswatson citygent cjo clochandighter Cobblers colfie Colin Crawford Conrad Crumblie2 curlysam curlysamplanner Dangerous Dave DanTrig darenkearl Darren182 dave geere DaveS David david gradwell davro33 Debhun Denise Des Taylor DirtbagRunnersE&W doc dogshome DougBurke ds1 Dugswell2 edgradwell ER Scott Ericthewanderer Fasgadh fellfox Fellrunner61 flipflopnick Gardentiger Gav GeoffC Georgie gerrybowes gimmer Gman45 GordonAdshead gouldinj Grahamandterrill Griggsy harpmonk Hazel Robinson Hectorfox hepmh7361 hillbasher HillmanImp hmarston HOGGY6363 iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines ianthomas Iggsy iwardle iwc J&C jackdee98 Jacqdaw jaks jamesfc Jane T Jeanette JenniferP Jim.Fothergill JK John Halstead JohnC johnevenden Johnny2503 jonglew JPG Jpj jules963 Julia julielaverock Jurassic Parkinsons Karen bagger F Karen Nash KateandMike kenny t kevale Kevgbl kilnergolf kirstyswarbs KJB krokus Lancslad Les Arcs Lindsay M Lisaslf lithosyork littlemisslakes Liz_N lonesome_cowboy_burt lorettocourt lynne Mac78 Margaret Mark Taylor martin22 Martyn Matt murphy Mhr1952 midgebait MikeParka Minto mntmanmark Moacky moorsman Mountain Goat Mountain00 mountainmary N.Morters Neil Nettle Graves Newyork13 ngthack Nick Down Nick Wakelam nordicstar NormanW nzafrica oakesave ogirl Oscar7 oscarben owaincaesarius packman painterman pape100 Parlick Paul Boothroyd Peebs penning81 PeteBoggs peteh PeterD PGCE Phil Newby philandtheresa PhilB Philposs PJ Yue PM pushcat pwalsh10 Raven1964 reohbag Rescue1953 rhalstead rhw RichardB Richie.Iddon1969 RichTea RobB robertphillips rogreeves Ronnie Bowron russell61 Rusty SammieDog scoffs2000 SEAN WANNOP SeanyG shaun3010 simonlittle skyegabbro slateloose sliw76 snaithd sophienaverne Sped Sprog Staceys95 staton75 steve glasper Steve S stevedixon SteveG stevent0809 StigoftheNest stravaiger2011 Summiteer summitsup supersaint tarmachan TarnHows TC Tcm tgchc tgrs thenomad Thermal_Vest&SPF50 Tim Hudson Tim Nicholl timdoggart Timus 214 tithrogel 2011 Tommy Tony J TonyRog Topcat tundraboy UncleChrisEccles vegibagger Vinmac Wadey1973 Walker Dan walking scotland Wanderer WayneMac01 Wheebs64 Wigan Bagger WillHenaghan Woodalls outdoors Wycombe Wanderer Wyresdale yt Zara
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Data courtesy of the Database of British and Irish Hills