Scafell Pike 978.1m (3209ft)
Summit Feature: Rock by trig point. (Survey: Leica NA730/Leica GS15/Leica RX1250)
Classification: Hill Trigpoint, 500, Birkett, Bridge, Bishop, Buxton-lewis, Clem, County-tops-administrative, County-tops-historic, Corbett25, County-tops-current, Docharty, Elmslie, Furth, Falkingham, Fellranger, Frcc, Hardy, Hewitt, High-hill, Hump, LRT, Marilyn, Marsh, Moss2000, Nuttall, Relative-wainwright, Separate, Simm, Simpson, SuperSummit, Synge, Trail100, P30 Tump, Wainwright, Wright.
OS Grid Ref: NY215072 (10 figure Grid Ref: NY2154007217).
UK Area: 34 - Lake District - Central & Western Fells (OS Maps 1:50k 89,90. 1:25k OL6N.)
Latitude: 54.45426, Longitude: -3.21168, Height: 978.1 metres (3209 feet)
Prominence: 912 metres (2992 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0978.H (DoBIH Hill ID: 2359)
Associated Trigpoint:
TP5227 'Sca Fell' Grid Ref: NY2154007217 Separation: 0m from Hill grid ref.
Associated Child Hill(s):
Allen Crags (785m, p61); Black Crags (Mickleden) (588m, p32); Blunt Top (901m, p10); Bowfell (903m, p148); Bowfell North Top (866m, p17); Broad Crag (935m, p58); Brock Crag (342m, p21); Buck Pike (Mickleden) (606m, p6); Bull How (308m, p19); Cam Spout Crag (676m, p4); Cat Crag (369m, p24); Cold Pike (700m, p46); Cold Pike Far West Top (669m, p18); Cold Pike West Top (683m, p20); Combe Door Top (676m, p17); Combe Head (735m, p31); Crinkle Crags South Top (First Crinkle) (834m, p32); Crinkle Crags-Fourth Crinkle (832m, p3); Crinkle Crags-Gunson Knott (Fifth Crinkle) (822m, p7); Crinkle Crags-Long Top (Second Crinkle) (859m, p139); Crinkle Crags-Third Crinkle (Gunson Knott) (840m, p14); Dalegarth How (121m, p54); Dawsonground Crags (397m, p23); Dovenest Top (Dovenest Crag) (Stonethwaite Fell) (633m, p40); Esk Pike (885m, p112); Eskdale Fell-Whinscales (425m, p5); Glaramara (783m, p121); Goat Crag (312m, p37); Great Barrow (250m, p41); Great End (910m, p56); Great How-Eskdale Fell (522m, p53); Great Knott (695m, p15); Heron Crag (358m, p15); High Gait Crags (572m, p13); High House Tarn Top (High House-Allen Crags) (683m, p17); High Scarth (487m, p25); Hodge How (101m, p33); Ill Crag (931m, p49); Lingmell (807m, p72); Little Stand (740m, p25); Looking Steads (Glaramara) (775m, p22); Middleboot Knotts (703m, p15); Peelplace Noddle (306m, p7); Pen (762m, p10); Pianet Knott (431m, p8); Pike de Bield (810m, p11); Red Beck Top (Glaramara South Top) (Lincomb Head-Glaramara) (720m, p36); Rossett Pike (651m, p42); Rosthwaite Fell (Rosthwaite Cam) (612m, p23); Rosthwaite Fell-Bessyboot (551m, p44); Round How (741m, p23); Scafell (964m, p132); Scar Lathing (439m, p27); Seathwaite Fell (Great Slack-Seathwaite Fell) (631m, p31); Seathwaite Fell (Wainwright summit) (601m, p14); Seathwaite Fell South Top (631m, p19); Shelter Crags (815m, p31); Shelter Crags North Top (776m, p16); Silverybield Crag (395m, p32); Slight Side (762m, p14); Stonesty Pike (765m, p2); Symonds Knott (959m, p21); Thornythwaite Fell (574m, p3); Throstlehow Crag (404m, p38); Tongue Head (656m, p10); Whin Crag (Eskdale) (358m, p3); White Stones-The Band (568m, p16); Yeastyrigg Crags (761m, p6);
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Climbed Scafell Pike? Log in to tick it off...
- '0978.H' NY215072 Scafell Pike (978m, p912)
Member's Comments on Scafell Pike...
- TrueFreedomSeekers says...
- Scafell Pike truly is one of the best Wainwrights to walk up. There are so many variations and so much to see from the epic summit too. If you're in the area then don't miss out on the chance of the top Wainwright in the Lake District. We hiked on our birthday (twins) and it was the best birthday present to see the sunrise as we climbed to the top.
We blog on the Lake District and the Wainwrights in general. We've hiked to the top of 185 in the six months that we spent in Cumbria. And now we want to share our journeys with others to help them too.
If you need any information on Scafell Pike from the routes to the top, where to park, and where to check the best wether etc, then check out the link below to our direct information page on England highest peak. We hope you find it useful, and take a look at the out hike from Wastwater too. The easiest way up Scafell Pike but still rewarding from the views that you get from the top.
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Scafell Pike's Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
Broad Crag (0.5km)Pen (0.8km)Ill Crag (0.8km)Middleboot Knotts (0.9km)Symonds Knott (0.9km)Round How (0.9km)Blunt Top (1.1km)Scafell (1.1km)Lingmell (1.1km)Great End (1.6km)
Scafell Pike's Nearby Routes...
Scafell from Seathwaite (Brucie) Scafell Massif (Phil Newby) Mosedale/Eskdale Round (Phil Newby) Wasdale Horseshoe (Phil Newby) Lakes Big 4 (part 1 of 2) (Phil Newby) 130702 Scafell Pike (tomrobson) 2009-06-12 (ajdicks) 150723 Scafell Pike (tomrobson) EW002: LD003: W003: T2 - Scafell Pike from Langdale (Ronnie Bowron) EW017: LD013: W013: T12 - Scafell Pike Round (Ronnie Bowron) EW100: LD162 - Traverse of the roof of England (via Lords Ra (Ronnie Bowron) EW212: LD357 - Scafell Pike South Top Round (Ronnie Bowron) LD358 - Scafell Pike Round (Ronnie Bowron) (LBS1961) Scafell Pike and Lingmell Fell (LBS1961)
Scafell Pike has been climbed by...
15pearsonT 1878 1st-Ade 2planks 44scooby 5cookie5 67richardsmith abdul shafi absintheur Ackrell Adam Smith Adam.Bartlett Adnan Khan adoling adrenalinemike Adrian Adrian Cunliffe Adrian Davis Adrian Potts ADuke AdyGray AdyGray1968 afellrunner afrankland AGD aheathb ahonour aims87c ajdicks Ajenks alan caine alarmingcod Alex Thomson AlexD alexisb Alicesmountains Alice_burrow Alison Crawford AlisonLee AlKennedy Alpa amalia Amanda & Simon amblerbob Amelia ameliaehunt amozley Andrew Beavers Andrew Brabban Andrew Brown Andrew-S andrewcoles AndrewFinnimore Andy Andy C Andy G Andy Joynson Andy Martin Andy Sykes andyb1969 andycolledge andyd AndyKDQ Andym692. AndyMoon andyritchie999 andys Andysmith Angela McNeela AngieD Annamarie anngray ant Anton Appletree28 Aqualung arc73 Archie archiebald7 areelle Areluctant-triggeR Arete Argentum66 Arkel arnolwj arthur.greaves artsy72 Asrar assynt_bob a_macdonald b20pjg Badger007 BadNewsWalking bagger14 Bagman bailer01 bambino11 barnimup Barry Smith bart93 bat3man Bazwell bcourtier beanie beaujo beaunafyde BeCaToPo beccagrice Beccahaworth beckybags beedeedee Beeliner Beerdave Belinda Bella Wella BellyBoy benarbia_8 benbrown_94 Benji-Fish benlah1977 benny156 benr BenSharrock bentonwalker bern berryk bessyboot2 Bethhowells Bexlaw beyondthefells bfcx3 big Al Big Fish Big Man bigalga1 BigJ BigPinno Bilbo Bill Honeywell Bill Outdoors binsey Bisquitine blackpete bloftus Bluemoon boanerges bob156123 bobaffleck1 bobbedybob BobKay bobs bobstammers Bobstrolz bobtyrer bongoband bordertman bovars Bowser brad.hunt95 bradheleni Braefell bramley Braverp Brian Carson BrianAnneCooper brindlite BROOKLEA71 brooli Brucie Brumby Brunshaw Bulla7 Bunchy butterfly c.eustace calreddo Cameleon campbell3646 campy123bfc Cankita capper.c Capt Malbec captainslow Carla carold Carole carolje carolml Carrieg casasuzy catbells catgill CatherineS CathL CathW Cathy CDillon CearaHayden Chalky1953 chalky79 Chamberpot Charchan charding charlesc charles_uk Charlierp chazzyboy19 Chesa Cheshire Claret Chester Chicki CHINDLE03 Chocywokky Chris Chris Gilbert Chris Jackson Chris Maggs CHRIS MARLAND Chris Pearson Chris Upson Chris1 Chris2020 Chris2211 Chris85 Chrisa chrisbrearley chrisc4422 chrisd101 chrisfletcher Chrisfry35 ChrisH ChrisInTheNorth ChrisJB ChrisRich Christina Christine christineandjohn chriswatson chris_outdoors chunkyhugo citygent CJMD cjo ckyliu clairelouisel76 clairemb23 cleasbo33 Climber climber1377 Climber51 clivevilla clochandighter cmarland Cmonks88 Cobblers Codfitz Col Colfeaton colfie Colin Crawford colinveal Colsmith comedydave Conrad coog cook284 corvid_corvid Coxswain cpjmathieson cragratcher Cranstackie Cris Daly cronkingraven Crumblie2 cshawps cuddlyculshaw cuillin Cullen23 Cumbriancyclist curlysam curlysamplanner cybertench Cyclistno1 D1e9a7n8o D8446492 daleand barney dan dancingqueen101 Danemi Danemi2 Danemi3 Dangerous Dave DanHolme DanHolme1977 danielarn danky danMaisiebex DanSmiffff dantheman923 DanTrig darbo Darren Morgan darren-mountains dave geere Dave Hall Dave McG Dave P Dave Parker dave.farrant DaveD daveeabrown DaveHillxr daveholly DaveJones davek davemere davend daveplatt913 DaveS Davethebread daveweths davewood Davey1889 daveyf2001 daveyjane David David E David Evans david gradwell David Kershaw David Sadler david.kendall DavidH davidwhitelock Davon dawson-anthony2@sky. dazzer74 db3034 dbottomley dboust2 dc11main Debbi Decoy Ranger DeeGee dekker deklan Deltagraham Denise dennis1955 denzilbell Derek_Cartwright Des Taylor designrob desperate dan Dev diggs31 DiggusD dilbert dingo2uk Dingoff15 Dipstickk DirtbagRunnersE&W distant echo djbullp djem djwaddi dobben57 Dobby doc Doccrichton Doctordave dogshome domster doug46 DougBurke doug_scott dpbamford DrewsWWs drinki ds1 DubsWW Duckyfuzz Dugswell2 Duke1 Duncan13 dunph dwhiteway Dylan Eamonn earby rambler Earl Grey ed cody ed.sutcliffe eddie79 edgradwell Ednewcome ednumd EdS edward_blandford edwinoutnback eigerman elaineb14 elainebanks14 Elfmcguinness elise3210 ElizabethBrown ellen el_capitan EmilyT89 Emma emma.harrison251@gma emmatabitha EmPenguin Enriak ER Scott eric b EricS1949 Ericthewanderer Ernieellis etuck99 eugene Eve&Colin Evil McBad EW7891 ewanquayle Exe-Eagle exiles ExploreWithBrendan extech73 ezil fac51 Fairsy FarSide Fasgadh Fatboy Fazsim FearlessFish Fell Monkey Fellbobs fellfox Fellrunner61 fellwalker10-1 FergalM ffloss fitzydan fizzerfox flipflopnick flippsy Flutterby Foelbach Fort frane999 frank mc FrankieS Freddie2012 fred_lyon friarmere FuarTholl907 funit10 Furth g.sandom g0vwp g4obk GACJ GailHanlon gallowayboy Gardentiger Gareth Coulson garrywhite Gav Gavin Gcolling gdh200 gdmefc gedc gemmacolling@rocketm GeoffC GeoJools Geol_lizzie GeorgeH Georgie geralddavison gerrybowes gerrysymes1 gevo Gherardir gibbo Giles1986 Gill Gillian Dixon gimmer Gina ging gingernuttter ginner glannon gleewalking glewis10 glynspencer Gman45 gns1 godspeedjon77 GolfChick GordonAdshead gordonmott gordouli gouldinj GPH1011 Graeme Grahamandterrill GrahamB214 Grahame Trudgill grahamn Graney2513 Gray grayscottage graysey grayza greaves Greenman Greenmantle Gregg2033 greg_may_ greywalker Griefmiester Griffin Griggsy Grizzly.Adventures GRJackson grumpybob grumpytyke GSJ6580 GSLScouter Guanajuato H4TH hallsenna hamishjfk Hammers Hannah hannahmorris86 Hannahrunsfar Happywalker1958 Happy_wonderer23 hardlyclaire Harperp harpmonk Harriet26 harrison.david69 harrison.david8 harryd Harvey Foster Haston Nomads haydn Haydn Davies Hayley&Claire Hazel Robinson hazelrobinson73 Hazzeem025 Hectorfox Helen C helengt Helenweths hepmh7361 Hibbertj Hiccup hillbasher hillhiker1 HillmanImp hillwalkersue hkswilson hmarston HochMcGandy HOGGY6363 hooker128 Houghy hth6761 hudsonuk Hughes Hungryholmes Hurstie Hutch0 hypermuse Iain iaindbrown iainsanderson IainT IainT2 Ian Baines Ian Jackson Ian Millard Ian Sweet ian1959 Ian1969 ian52uk ianeparry ianhandley IanHugh IanN ianthomas Iggsypoo ij_beds Inny Irempson irwin Ish1959 islandgrey itchy-trigger-finder itchy_teeth iwardle iwc J&C j.ingham28 Jab jacamaruk Jack Radice jackfowler Jackmcg2018 jacko1969 Jackpat Jacqdaw Jacqui H jade jaisell jakradice jaks JAMES NASH JamesBalti jamesblackford2 jamescampbell jamesd666 jamesfc Jamesfcround2 jamesholloway44 jamesmichaelforrest jamesrobinsonart123 Jamie Glover JamieM jan/steve Jane S Jane T Jane68 JaneJul JaneJun Janekayley JaneMay janemottram JanetG jani.gr33n janmac jason smith JAW69 Jaxfells Jaxter jazman JBbreaca jboswell88 Jeanette jeff Jenbro JenHenders JenniferP Jenno JennyCarson Jersey wanderer Jerseygirl JerseyWanderer Jessica JessicaShearing1 jesslp123 jesterkane Jezza McJez jim Jim.Fothergill Jim4545 jimbobh28 jimgrant500 jimhartill Jimmy Doughnut jimmyG jimmywalton jimp JK jkldg JL Jo Banks Joannek9004 JoanneS Jochmoal Jody Jodyd joe.mw90 JoeHilliard94 joehunt75 joelrobinson27 JoeVelo97 Jofiel john barley John Boy John Estruch John F lists John Gorman John Halstead John Neate john8726 JohnBeavers JohnC johnevenden JohnGallon JohnH johnhunter1980 JohnM Johnny Bear Johnny2503 johnpat JOHNWHITTINGHAM59 Jolly Jack Dusty Jon Jon Cook Jon Tuttle Jones716 jonesy jonglew Jonnydwhite jonnypb jonshipp JordanL JordanL378 Jordanl93 Joshhayton JoshuaPearson00 JoshuaRowe jospee jparussell Jpenson JSB jscotthills jsgskydive JT jtim Juju25 Jules7 jules963 julia julie Julie & Craig julielaverock Jurassic Parkinsons Just June Jwilk jzimmy12345 j_parry kandrews kaneda1965 KaneKnowles Karen bagger F Karen Cook Karen Nash Karencook KarenPendlebury karl h KARLBARNES kas78 Kastaway Kate Leahy KateandMike Kaye.c kazlou kcol kegless Keith Airey Keith Allen keith2707 kel-smith kennethnewport kenny t KennyB Keston kev309 kevale keveaves Kevgbl Kevin Turton kevmcd300 kevmonkeyman khoomfay kilnergolf Kilwinning Rab kimdavies3 kimjimaroo kippler KirkbyMike kirstenmstrain Kirstybrien KJames KJB kjmcdon1 kleida kmillb Knightingale Knoutberry krokus Kroscoe777 Kstronach Kubicki L Hogarth Lakelandpedler Lakelandphoto Lakeslover lakesrhino Lance lancedavis Lancslad Lapwing Laura-Doling lauraricecake LaurenceBrown lazeedaydream LBS1961 LDTrigBagger78 leerob71 legrace4 Les Arcs Les Arcs 4 Les&buzz lewisgmt leymr lhunter376 Liam3020 Lieslallen Linda Hinton Lindsay M Lindsay Palmer lindslow Lingmell Linnie Loo linnylou lister0f5meg lithosyork littledorit littlemisslakes liz m Liz_N lkd137 lmcalder lonesome_cowboy_burt Longtallsal3 loradorasmith lorettocourt loughrigg Lpmac27 lrjackson Lucille.Corrigan Lucinda LUHCPres2015 lukeshears lwhite95 lynne Lyonheart M6PYG ma7bag Mac78 MacAoidh Mactat73 mad max mad484man Madame cholet Maggie Mailinn Mal Grey Malc malky_c malky_c2 Mally Manny ManofKernow manuelpereda Manzy Marc marc1454 MarcF19 Margaret mariema MariP Mark Gelder Mark S Mark Smith Mark Taylor markbenton markbullough markc MarkCarr203 markcarter Markdally markeccool markhartshorne Markiebee77 marks MarkUKUS markw1 marmite Marti0398 martin22 martind martindo marting Martinx Martyn maschr Mate1310 Matt murphy matt80097 Matthew McFadzean matthew.cox12 mattykay Max Maxinelock mbc1955 mborrell MC7 MCar87 mcdonaldjosh1404 Megan123 Melch Menacezx Menawethan Mendez5 MenhirWanderer Merchant mfits62 mg2021 mhackland mhaggy mhalsall98 Mhr1952 Michael Windle Michael&Rebecca michael.smethurst Michael4082 Mick Taylor mick.smethurst mickbroth Mickey luv mickmuff Micko83 mickstgeorge mickw85 micomal midgebait Mike Hakin Mike76 MikeG MikeParka MikeS Mikesmith8760 Mikewillo Milan milky millsno9 Millsy Minto miss munro MisterOy mluckas ml_collier Moacky moad212 mojo molliemoo Mollycat38 monlanlib MonsterRancidTroll Montgomery Wick monty2556 moonbeast Moore100 moorsman Morganmurph1993 Mortimus Mossylea mountain goat mountain walker Mountain00 mountain00b mountaindolphin Mountaingoat mountainmarty mountainmary MrChubba Mrlp90 MrMayze Mrscottie mrsrhiannonpage mrstevewilliams mrtcotton Msandom mtcicero Muckletooner My Wainwrights N.Morters naggy NatalieM natnjakey nchester ndmjo02 Neil neilhollis neillt neilypops1982 Nelson32199 Nettle Graves NEWSMITHY Newyork13 ngthack ngwd71 Nic Hutchins Nick Barnard Nick Down Nick Ridley Nick Wakelam nickmattlock@gmail.c Nicks nickwoffenden Nigel Moscardini ninthace nmcfarlane No690 noj nomansland nordicstar NormanW Nsr250 nwjlyons nzafrica oakesave Ocean Soul ogirl oilydavid OliverAllsopp oliverheadlam Ollie0908 ollismark Onthill orielh Oscar7 oscarben oscardog osian outdoormarie outlawcatcher Outwardbounder214 over the hill owaincaesarius OwainG owenhenley Owlee333 Owleee P-squared PAB2 packman pah800 painterman pancakes pape100 Parlick Pat Evans Pat1967 patdhill Paul Bateman Paul Boothroyd Paul Lewis Paul Turner paul.lewis PaulandAngie paulbooth88 paulcali66 PaulGwilliam Paulpne PaulRE paulwoodseth PaveyArk pc1406 pdr Peakbagger peakdistrict peakwalking pedalgrunt Peebs penning81 penny74 PeteBoggs peteh PeteMatthews peter bailey Peter Lever Peter Smith Peter67 PeterD PeteRowden petertennant PGCE pgj Phil Newby Phil Newby (2nd) Phil West philandsam philandtheresa PhilB philborn PhilClayton PHILGRA Philh68 Philip Rhayader Phobe99 phoebe.sleath phoebesleath Picklepot pigeon piglet Pixyflash PJ Yue pjleeds PM pmarsden polly Polly and Jim Pomp74 PopUpPiirate pottsy Povey Powlsa prenton01 Pritch227 Psh69 pshenderson pskipper psychocrawler Puddleglum pudney1977 pwhitaker_1966 Pyrenees99 ragdoll raisinface rav Rawdogs Ray.w Rayc razar Razza1244 rb RCG RCPugh reddwarf26 Redwolf renmusa reohbag Rescue1953 revicmdivad reyjam rfbirch01 rhalstead rhayader_wanderer Rhino48 rhw Rhys Thomas Ribbit49 Rich Hawkins Rich Pell rich.3001 Rich1 RICHARD Richard Cambrian RichardB Richardc richhar1 Richie.Iddon1969 RichTea Richteacurry Rich_Salt Rick Brown ridgewalkeruk Ripleyman rm73 Rob Metcalf ROB PEN Y GARN Rob&Ru rob77 RobB robby Robert Garcia-Brooks Robert Maclean Robert Thomson robertphillips RobMor Robopog rockdoctor rockgod Rockhugger100 RoddyCharlie rogreeves Rolandski Ron Smyth Ronnie Bowron Rooidog rosalind Rose RoseandMartin Rowan.Chesmer Roy Pierce rpettit rtaylor rudeboy1312 runbikeclimb Russell Morris russell61 russell63 RussellMorris Rusty Ruth Sutcliffe RuthBrennan rutson RVFoster RWake Ryan ryanhowcroft rycurrie Sadie Brown Sam1522 Samhodson95 SammieDog sammoore SamSara Sanderlad sandra sanhozay Sarah Banks Sarahbrown86 sbolingb SC scaffade scaryanimals sclater scoffs2000 scoreoutoften scottdwhite scotty SEAN WANNOP seanandsue seanruffell seany SeanyG sfirman sgt_pepper46 sgw93 shades682 Shadyady Shane ShannonJosh Shaun27 shaun3010 Shellian shettie shorty12345 Shropshire Saddlers shutty shylock1966 Silver Simon Simon Sutcliffe simoneason simonlittle SimonW simpson Sirius Sizzors27 SJD sje94 sjr140614 skipper skldenton skyegabbro slateloose SLIGHT sliw76 Slufter Smacdonald Smeg Smigguel Smilermansell smith.michaelw Smog snaithd snatchandthumper Snowman Snowmoose SodBoy Sophie mcgeough Sorunar Sparklingwave Sped splee0 spookyfish Spraymanandy Sprog Squirrelly Nutcase srichy20 Stamper77 stantoon staton75 Steffan Stephen DOUGLAS steve steve glasper Steve S steve&gill steve63 steveb SteveButler stevedixon SteveG stevelumbard steven rhodes Steven1608 stevenhorner stevensreeves stevens_simon stevent0809 stevepoon steverowland stevewaters stick StigoftheNest Stokesy Stoney Stormforce12 stravaiger2011 Stu26 Stuart Carter stuartgrant512 stuartmcarthur stuvicks stvernon SUE Sue Bown Suecrab sueg38 Suepertrouper sue_billy1810 Suilven731m summitdreamer Summiteer summitsup sunnytrev supersaint supertrampz surfcarrot Susan57 swake01 Syberad s_mudd1 tandemfans tarmachan TarnHows taste32 taximan111 Taylorduo TC Tcm Team Chris & Becki Team Mel-Vinn teamworkluke Ted Richards ted209 Teesside Tony Telfer56 Tell M Terry & Aly tetram67 tgchc tgrs THE KOSCIOWS The Rover The Trudges TheHillwalker1 thekins thenomad ThePhilster Thermal_Vest&SPF50 thetills ThinLee01 Thirskie07 Thor TicketyTam Tiff18 Tiffs tim hersey Tim Nicholl Timbojones timdoggart Timothymcevoy Timus 214 Timwat1 Tintin Tired Old Dude Tiredolddude tithrogel 2011 tkilcommons Tobys Tom1734 tomcut tomhunt2005 Tommy tommyboyp tommydst tomnsgraham tomrobson Tonester tonka054 Tony J Tony SRMRT tony.t tonybreo TONYL31 TonyM tonymac TonyRog TonyS toonsd1983 Topaz Topcat Top_Taff Tracey.Cowell Tracyjslater Trevor Trudge.Tracey TrueFreedomSeekers tryfan ttbiker Tundraboy tuxer twiggymate tybalt u317 UncleChrisEccles unowho67 upm20x urologist Val valve5425 vantageman vegibagger Vickif82 vicki_fletcher vicksey22 Vics 76 Victoria Tremlin Vince 13 Vinmac vinnytarpey Viv Byrne vkmmp vv11mot Wadey1973 Wainwright's 214 Walker Dan walker10 walking scotland Walkingthedog Wanderer WandererBen wardlinney WasdaleWanderer washaway10 wassock Wayne wayne23 WayneMac01 weaselmaster WeezyC22 Wendysian67 wesley23 westmill WestoningPaul Wheebs64 whitty123 Wigan Bagger Wildcat5733 wilfsmate WillHenaghan Willy1608 Windy Wisey Witch60 Woodalls outdoors woollywendi workforce workforce11 Wulfrun71 Wycombe Wanderer Wyresdale Xinjiang YeadonBantam Yelekreb yeovilwestie YorkshirePud ypers yt Zac Zara ziggyTWD Zilly zippymk13 zordon zsmith zsmith123
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