Y Pellenig Complete List: Remotest Hills of Wales: a list of 166 hills where the summit is a minimum of 2.5km from the nearest paved public road with a minimum of 15m of drop. The list is named 'Y Pellennig', pellennig in Welsh means 'distant' or 'remote'.
Further details at Europeaklist
Data courtesy of Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams
Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey
Map Legend: :All | :Nearby All
Y Pellennig List & GPS Waypoints:
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Sort this list by: Name | Height | Popularity | Prominence | Significance
- '0537.-' SN792787* Banc Blaen Merin (537m, p49)
- '0551.-' SN826924* Banc Bugeilyn (551m, p74)
- '0532a_' SN785786* Banc Dolwen (532m, p19)
- '0474._' SN804652* Banc y Llyn (474m, p19)
- '0650.h' SO196643 Black Mixen (650m, p44)
- '0547.-' SN843693* Blaen Rhestr (547m, p38)
- '0491.-' SN772911* Bryn Moel (491m, p35)
- '0470.-' SN816658* Bryn Trapau (470m, p21)
- '0566.-' SN792908* Carn Hyddgen (566m, p52)
- '0136.p' SM696234 Carn Llundain (136m, p136)
- '0440.-' SN721494 Carn Nant yr Ast (440m, p74)
- '0101.-' SM699246* Carn Ysgubor (101m, p50)
- '0044.-' SM667254* Carreg Rhoson (44m, p44)
- '0573.-' SN808799* Cefn Croes (573m, p44)
- '0591._' SN848606* Cerrig Llwyd y Rhestr (591m, p18)
- '0057._' SS142959* Chapel Point (57m, p15)
- '0535.-' SN851690* Clawdd Du Mawr (535m, p27)
- '0582.p' SN799931* Clipyn Du (582m, p124)
- '0525.-' SN801638* Crug Gynon (525m, p64)
- '0021._' SM661236* Daufraich (21m, p21)
- '0601._' SN851591 Drum yr Eira (601m, p19)
- '0645.H' SN862584 Drygarn Fawr (645m, p257)
- '0037.-' SM651226* Emsger (37m, p37)
- '0507.-' SN825642* Esgair Garthen (507m, p21)
- '0534a_' SN767617* Esgair Llyn Du (534m, p20)
- '0500.-' SN795603* Esgair Saeson (500m, p25)
- '0548.-' SN773605 Esgair Wen (548m, p90)
- '0504.-' SN832862* Esgair y Maesnant (504m, p26)
- '0072.-' SM705225* Foel Fawr (72m, p24)
- '0529.-' SN765926* Foel Fras (529m, p68)
- '0548.-' SN809916* Foel Ganol (548m, p25)
- '0493.-' SN759920* Foel Grafiau (493m, p27)
- '0565.-' SN802912* Foel Isaf (565m, p33)
- '0473.-' SN803614* Foel Isaf (473m, p39)
- '0489._' SN759926* Foel Las (489m, p16)
- '0522.-' SN768925* Foel Uchaf (522m, p23)
- '0476.-' SN806622* Foel Uchaf (476m, p31)
- '0531._' SN823599* Ganol Ddu (531m, p17)
- '0032.-' SM721104* Garland Stone (32m, p32)
- '0613.h' SN917590 Gorllwyn (613m, p88)
- '0514._' SN821930* Graig Fach (514m, p17)
- '0479._' SN786629* Graig Wen (479m, p16)
- '0660.H' SO182638 Great Rhos (660m, p375)
- '0532.-' SN750612* Grug Crofftau (532m, p28)
- '0042.-' SM598093* Gwales (42m, p42)
- '0539.-' SN816922* Llechwedd Crin (539m, p20)
- '0527._' SN756614* Llethr Brith (527m, p18)
- '0490.-' SN801626* Llethr Gwaered (490m, p26)
- '0483.-' SN833671* Llethr Hir (486m, p33)
- '0015._' SM744051* Long Point (15m, p15)
- '0060.-' SM727083* Mew Stone (60m, p60)
- '0030.-' SM704222* Midland (30m, p30)
- '0493.-' SN774923* Mynydd Bychan (493m, p25)
- '0528.-' SN765920* Mynydd Lluest y Rhos (528m, p30)
- '0044.-' SM670280* North Bishop (44m, p44)
- '0550._' SN796917* Ochr Llygnant (550m, p15)
- '0507.-' SN745939* Pen Creigiau’r Llan (507m, p84)
- '0027._' SM713092* Pig Stone (27m, p27)
- '0534.-' SN854677* Priddellau (534m, p31)
- '0017a_' SM712096* Pt. 17m (17m, p17)
- '0021a_' SM667278* Pt. 21m, North Bishop (21m, p21)
- '022XX' SM671256* Pt. 22m, Carreg Rhoson (22m, p22)
- '0022._' SM666277* Pt. 22m, North Bishop (22m, p22)
- '023XX' SM666254* Pt. 23m, Carreg Rhoson (23m, p23)
- '0023._' SM664253* Pt. 23m, Carreg Rhoson (23m, p23)
- '024XX' SM673257* Pt. 24m, Carreg Rhoson (24m, p24)
- '0024._' SM672281* Pt. 24m, North Bishop (24m, p24)
- '026XX' SM704223* Pt. 26m (26m, p26)
- '0502._' SN776629* Pt. 502m, Pen y Bwlch (502m, p16)
- '0504._' SN776625* Pt. 504m, Pen y Bwlch (504m, p17)
- '0549._' SN834706* Pt. 549m (549m, p47)
- '0070._' SM725086* Pt. 70m, Skomer (70m, p18)
- '0727.h' SN798871 Pt. 727m (727m, p36)
- '0078._' SM721099* Pt. 78m, Skomer (78m, p16)
- '0079.-' SM726094 Pt. 79m, Skomer (79m, p79)
- '0016._' SM701226* Pt. c.16m (16m, p16)
- '0020._' SM665254* Pt. c.20m, Carreg Rhoson (20m, p20)
- '0030.-' SM672256* Pt. c.30m, Carreg Rhoson (30m, p30)
- '0544a_' SN809716* Pt. c.544m (544m, p16)
- '0741.h' SN814877 Pumlumon Arwystli (741m, p64)
- '0055.-' SM729046* The Head (55m, p55)
- '0020a_' SM745054* The Stack (20m, p20)
- '0524._' SN830718* Trum y Gŵr (524m, p16)
- '0545.-' SN779606* Twyni (545m, p34)
- '0060.-' SS132962* West Beacon Point (60m, p60)
- '017XX' SM596093* West Tump (17m, p17)
- '0071.-' SM700218* Ynys Bery (71m, p71)
- '0054.-' SM705223* Ynys Cantwr (55m, p55)
- '0026._' SM707219* Ynys Eilun (26m, p26)
- '0056.-' SM704224* Ynys Gwelltog (56m, p56)
Total = 90 All in Area 31
Data courtesy of Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams