Y Pellenig Complete List: Remotest Hills of Wales: a list of 166 hills where the summit is a minimum of 2.5km from the nearest paved public road with a minimum of 15m of drop. The list is named 'Y Pellennig', pellennig in Welsh means 'distant' or 'remote'.
Further details at Europeaklist
Data courtesy of Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams
Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey
Map Legend: :All | :Nearby All
Y Pellennig List & GPS Waypoints:
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- '0462._' SN940421* Bryn Du (462m, p19)
- '0677.n' SN798214 Bwa’r Llyn (676m, p16)
- '0512.-' SN767171* Carn Fadog (512m, p26)
- '0473.-' SN790176* Cerrig Coegion (473m, p56)
- '0754.n' SO055203 Craig Gwrelyg (754m, p18)
- '0795.h' SO023213 Cribyn (795m, p130)
- '0544.-' SN815178* Disgwylfa (544m, p37)
- '0456.-' SN956435* Esgair Cerrig (456m, p33)
- '0803.H' SN824220 Fan Brycheiniog (803m, p424)
- '0719.h' SO036206 Fan y Big (719m, p30)
- '0635.h' SN777203 Garreg Las (635m, p92)
- '0456._' SN935402* Gwryd (456m, p24)
- '0033._' SS387877* Middle Head (33m, p21)
- '0056.-' SS384877* Outer Head (56m, p56)
- '0025._' SN390021* Pembrey Forest (25m, p18)
- '0886.H' SO012215 Pen y Fan (886m, p668)
- '0749.h' SN811218 Picws Du (749m, p93)
- '0344._' SS819888* Pt. 344m, Mynydd Margam (344m, p15)
- '0454.-' SN960422* Twyn Rhyd Car (454m, p35)
- '0467.-' SN784178* Tyle Garw (467m, p41)
- '0811.H' SO215299 Waun Fach (811m, p622)
- '0032.-' ST221646* Ynys Echni (32m, p32)
Total = 22 All in Area 32
Data courtesy of Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams