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All Details & GPS Waypoint

Cadair Idris - Penygadair 892.7m (2929ft)

Summit Feature: Rock near trig point. (Survey: Leica RX1250)
Classification: Hill Trigpoint, 500, Bridge, Bishop, Buxton-lewis, Clem, Corbett25, Docharty, Gillham, Hardy, Hewitt, High-hill, Hump, Jones, Marilyn, Marsh, Moss, Moss2000, Nuttall, Pellennig, Separate, Simm, SuperSummit, Trail100, P30 Tump.
OS Grid Ref: SH711130 (10 figure Grid Ref: SH7111413035).
UK Area: 30 - Dolgellau to Machynlleth (OS Maps 1:50k 124. 1:25k OL23W.)
Latitude: 52.69962, Longitude: -3.90878, Height: 892.7 metres (2929 feet)
Prominence: 606 metres (1988 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0893.H (DoBIH Hill ID: 2137)

Associated Trigpoint:
  TP1106 'Cader Idris' Grid Ref: SH7111113035 Separation: 3m from Hill grid ref.

External Links for Cadair Idris-Penygadair:
-GeoHack link... -OS Map Bing link... -Google Map link... -Geograph link... -Cadair Idris - Penygadair on -Cader Idris on

Data courtesy of Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams

Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

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  • '0893.H' SH711130 Cadair Idris-Penygadair (893m, p606)

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Cadair Idris-Penygadair has been climbed by...

1st-Ade 3fatties adoling Adrian Adrian Cunliffe AGD alaldjdj Alex C alex01 Alfapapa amblerbob Andrew Brown andrewcoles Andy G andyd AndyMoon andyritchie999 andys Ann@Birdbrook anthonyduncalf Anton Archie Areluctant-triggeR arobin16 AuntySocial b20pjg barbel46 barnimup Barry Smith beckybags beedeedee Berian bessyboot2 big Al bigalga1 BigPinno Bill Outdoors blue monkey board BobKay bobstammers Brucie Brunshaw Bugabloo campbell3646 Carole carolje casewe26 Cath59 Chalky1953 charding Cheshire Claret Chicki Chocywokky Chris Nash Chris Pearson Chris&Sarah Chrisfry35 ChrisInTheNorth christiancityfan chriswatson citygent cjo ckyliu Colfeaton Colin Crawford comedydave corvid_corvid Cottonlegs cpjmathieson Crumblie2 cuddlyculshaw CurlyWurly Dangerous Dave danMaisiebex DanTrig DarenKearl darren-mountains dave.farrant DaveJones DaveS daveyf2001 Daveylamp David Evans david gradwell David Kershaw DawnRobert Mills dc11main Decoy Ranger delterry Denise DerekClive derrymark Des Taylor dilbert djaphoto dobben57 drinki Droenna Dugswell2 Earby Rambler edgradwell ER Scott Erwynj evo88888888 Exe-Eagle FailedTheTuringTest FarSide Fasgadh Father Ted Fellrunner61 Findo Gask flippsy Foelbach Gee geekinthesticks gehatton GeoffC geralddavison gerrybowes gevo Gherardir gibbo Gina Glyders Gman45 gns1 GordonAdshead gouldinj Gravyrock Griefmiester Griggsy HackneyGlyn Ham Shady Haston Nomads Haydn Davies hb363 Helen C Hetty hillbasher hillhiker1 HillmanImp hmarston Houghy Howie iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines Ian Millard Ian1969 iwardle iwc J&C jackieabz55 Jakespeare JAMES NASH jamesblackford2 jamesmichaelforrest jan/steve Jane S Jane T jd22529 jeff Jeff Parker jemuk Jim.Fothergill jimgrant500 jkldg jnixon JoanneS joelrobinson27 JohnC johnevenden Johnny Bear jonglew JordanL JoshReynolds JSB jules963 Jurassic Parkinsons jzimmy12345 kcol Keith Allen Ken Latham KennyB Kettlesboy keveaves kimjimaroo KJB Lance Laura-Doling lauratheexplorer lazeedaydream Lennylee Les Arcs Linda Hinton Lindsay M Lisaslf Liz_N ljosborne lonesome_cowboy_burt lorettocourt lwhite95 Lynette Pritchard M Stone mad max Mal Grey malky_c malky_c2 manilena marcimarc Margaret markbenton marmite matt80097 mhaggy MikeG Minto miss munro mojo Mollycat38 moorsman Morganmurph1993 morganmurphy1993 Mossylea mountain goat MountainBlade mrhatter Mynydda N.Morters ngthack Nick Down nickmattlock@gmail.c nmcfarlane nordicstar NormanW oakesave Ocean Soul Oggie206 oscarben osian osianeryl outlawcatcher OwainG painterman pancakes Parlick patrob Paul Boothroyd Paul Roberts paulbooth88 Peakbagger Peebs Peter Smith PeterD petezippy PGCE Phil Newby Phil Newby (2nd) philandsam PhilB PhilClayton philroyle phoebesleath pjleeds PM razar RCPugh RDK reohbag rhalstead rhayader_wanderer Rhino48 rhw Rhys Thomas Rich1 RICHARD Richard901 RichTea Richteacurry rickeeling ROB PEN Y GARN Rob&Ru ROB.PEN RobB RobinPrince Robopog rockdoctor roddyp rogreeves Ronald Ronnie Bowron Rowan.Chesmer russ russell61 russell63 russie Rusty sammoore sandra saul.haines sclater scoffs2000 scottdwhite seany SeanyG sgw93 Shaggy Shane shaun3010 Shellian Simon mitchell Simon Thomas SJD slateloose Sleepwalker sliw76 snaithd Sprog staton75 stefan_d_i Steffan steve glasper Steve S steve&gill stevedixon SteveG stevensreeves stevent0809 StigoftheNest stravaiger2011 Summiteer summitsup surfcarrot swake01 taste32 teamworkluke Ted Richards tgrs The Rover The Valley Walker thenomad thetills thexbarbarian tkilcommons Tom1734 tomhunt2005 tomrobson Tony J Topaz Trevor tryfan Tundraboy Turbocarp Ulysses umksj UncleChrisEccles underhill valve5425 vegibagger wardlinney wassock Wayne WelshTrigs WestoningPaul WillHenaghan winerwalker woollywendi Wulfrun71 Wycombe Wanderer Yelekreb ynwa96 yt Zara zordon


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Data courtesy of Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams


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