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All Details & GPS Waypoint

Pen y Fan 886m (2907ft)

Summit Feature: Large cairn.
Classification: Hill Trigpoint*, 500, Bridge, Bishop, Buxton-lewis, Clem, County-tops-administrative, County-tops-historic, Corbett25, County-tops-current, Docharty, Hardy, Hewitt, High-hill, Hump, Jones, LRT, Marilyn, Marsh, Moss, Moss2000, Nuttall, Pellennig, Separate, Simm, SuperSummit, Trail100, P30 Tump.
OS Grid Ref: SO012215 (10 figure Grid Ref: SO0120821583).
UK Area: 32 - Llandovery to Monmouth (OS Maps 1:50k 160. 1:25k OL12E.)
Latitude: 51.88403, Longitude: -3.43677, Height: 886 metres (2907 feet)
Prominence: 672 metres (2205 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0886.H (DoBIH Hill ID: 2226)

Associated Trigpoint:
  TP0870 'Brecon Beacons'* Grid Ref: SO0120921583 Separation: 1m from Hill grid ref.
  * This trigpoint may have been reported missing or destroyed

External Links for Pen y Fan:
-GeoHack link... -OS Map Bing link... -Google Map link... -Geograph link... -Pen y Fan on -Brecon Beacons on

Data courtesy of Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams

Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

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Pen y Fan List & GPS Waypoints:

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  • '0886.H' SO012215 Pen y Fan (886m, p672)
  • * This trigpoint may have been reported missing or destroyed

Member's Comments on Pen y Fan...

  • Phil Newby says...
  • S2483 Pen y Fan removed by the OS in 1991
  • jonglew says...
  • Destroyed
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Pen y Fan has been climbed by...

0ldred 15pearsonT 1st-Ade adoling Adrian Adrian Cunliffe alaldjdj alan caine Alex C alex01 Alfapapa AlphaRino Amanda Andrew Brown andrewcoles andyb2706 andyd AndyKDQ AndyMoon andyritchie999 andys Ann@Birdbrook Anton Aphrodite Aqualung Archie Areluctant-triggeR assynt_bob AuntySocial AW1998 b20pjg bailer01 Barry Smith bcourtier beckybags beedeedee Beeliner benwloudon berian bern bessyboot2 Big Diesel biggamogs BigPinno blakejones99 blue monkey board bobstammers Brucie Bugabloo cadia captainslow Carole carolje carolml casasuzy casewe26 Chalky1953 charding charlesc Chicki Chocywokky Chris Pearson Chris Upson Chris&Sarah Chrisfry35 christiancityfan chriswatson cjo CLARE B clivevilla Colfeaton Colin Crawford Conrad Cootking Cottonlegs Craig Taylor cronkingraven Crumblie2 dancingqueen101 Dangerous Dave danMaisiebex DanTrig DarenKearl darren-mountains dave.farrant DaveJones DaveS daveyf2001 Daveylamp David Evans david gradwell David Kershaw David Sadler davro33 DawnRobert Mills dc11main Decoy Ranger delterry Denise Des Taylor designrob desperate dan dif difleen Dipstickk DirtbagRunnersE&W DJBlack dmorgan2508 dobben57 dogshome drinki drspacetoad dubmill Dugswell2 Duke1 edgradwell ER Scott Erwynj Evs777 Exe-Eagle Fasgadh Father Ted Fellrunner61 Findo Gask Foelbach Furth Gee gehatton GeoffC Georgie gerrybowes gimmer Gina ging gingernuttter Glyders Gman45 goldstone GordonAdshead gouldinj Graeme57 Griefmiester HackneyGlyn Hammers Haydn Davies hb363 Helen C hillbasher HillmanImp Hkosmonaut hmarston Howie iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines ianthomas iLiqus itchy-trigger-finder iwardle jackieabz55 Jacqdaw jaisell JakePepper334 JAMES NASH JamesBalti jamesblackford2 jamesmichaelforrest jamieg1982 Jane S Jane T JaneCable Jason jazman jd22529 Jeff Parker jemuk Jephcote83 Jerry Gillard Jim.Fothergill jimp JK jnixon Joanna JoeHilliard94 joehunt75 John F lists John Halstead johnc johnevenden Johnny2503 Jon Tuttle jonesy jonglew JordanL JoshReynolds jparussell JSB jsgskydive JudithP jwilko2939 Karen Nash Kaye.c kcol Keith Allen Kettlesboy Kevgbl KevPalmer kimjimaroo kjmcdon1 Konnor64 lancashirelass1980 lance Lancslad LauraBridger lauratheexplorer LBS1961 Lennylee Les Arcs Linda Hinton Lindsay M littlemisslakes Liz_N ljosborne lmcalder LoganWilliams lonesome_cowboy_burt loobeeloo82 loobyloo lorettocourt Lynette Pritchard M Stone ma7bag mabinogion mad max Mal Grey malky_c manilena ManofKernow manuelpereda mapman810 Margaret Martha123 matt80097 mcdonaldjosh1404 mhaggy Mick Taylor micks trigs Milan Minto miss munro Moacky mojo moorsman Morganmurph1993 morganmurphy1993 Mossylea MountainBlade mountaindolphin mrsrhiannonpage mynydda N.Morters nataliehole33 Neil neillt ngthack Nick Down Nick Fletton Nick Wakelam ninthace nmcfarlane nomansland nordicstar NormanW oakesave Oggie206 ogirl osian osianeryl outlawcatcher OwainG painterman pancakes pape100 patrob Paul Boothroyd Paul Roberts Peakbagger Peebs PeteMatthews Peter Smith PeterD PeterTennant petezippy PGCE Phil Newby philandsam PhilB PhilClayton phoebesleath Pineconecollie PJ Yue ploto PM Polaroid Pomp74 PopUpPiirate psychocrawler RCPugh rdcawkwell RDK Red Beard reddwarf26 Reebielass reyjam rhalstead rhayader_wanderer Rhino48 rhw Rhys Thomas rich.3001 Richard Cambrian richard901 RichTea Richteacurry rickeeling Rob Middleton ROB PEN Y GARN Rob&Ru robgarbett329 Robopog rockdoctor roddyp rogreeves Ronnie Bowron russ russell61 russell63 russie Rusty Salknits Sam Sam1522 SamAndSnoop sammoore sandra sbolingb seany SeanyG sgw93 sgwyn98 Shaggy Shane sharr72015 Shaun1d shaun3010 shorty12345 Simon mitchell skldenton slartibardfast slateloose sliw76 Smigguel snaithd Sprog staton75 stefan_d_i Steffan Stephhughes88 steve glasper Steve S steve&gill steve69 stevebruce stevedixon SteveG stevent0809 steverowland StigoftheNest stravaiger2011 stuvicks summitdreamer Summiteer summitsup swampysean taste32 Taylordane8 teamworkluke Ted Richards tewales tgrs THE KOSCIOWS The Valley Walker thenomad thetills thexbarbarian Timothymcevoy tkilcommons tomhunt2005 tomnorgate tomrobson Tony J TrigOl70 Trolly tryfan tundraboy Turbocarp twiggymate umksj underhill vegibagger wardlinney Wayne WayneMac01 WelshTrigs WestoningPaul Wilford1 winerwalker Woodalls outdoors woollywendi Wulfrun71 Wycombe Wanderer Yelekreb yeovilwestie yt Zara zordon zsmith


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Data courtesy of Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams


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